Switch to libqt4-phonon-dev for Karmic...

Roderick B. Greening roderick-greening at kubuntu.org
Thu May 21 18:01:30 BST 2009

We've started the switch to libqt4-phonon-dev from the kde phonon libphonon-
dev for Karmic.

As a result, we now have a list of packages which will need to have their 
build deps updated. I have a wiki page started to capture this info.

Anyone who can spare a moment and visit the link and update a package, would 
be greatly appreciated.



Roderick B. Greening, B.Sc.
Paradise, NL Canada
E-mail: roderick-greening at kubuntu.org 
LP: launchpad.net/~roderick-greening 
Wiki: wiki.ubuntu.com/rgreening 
Blog: roderick-greening.blogspot.com 
Twitter: twitter.com/rgreening

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