k3b for kde4 in kubuntu jaunty?

Stefan Skotte sfs at enhance-it.dk
Sat Mar 21 08:48:20 GMT 2009

Luka Renko wrote:
> On Friday 20 March 2009 16:18:25 Vishal Rao wrote:
>> Any chance of k3b-for-kde4 getting into jaunty before the release as
>> part of kubuntu's move to eliminate kde3 deps?
>> Or is it no point waiting for it since it might not be done by April?
>> Or is it too late already with feature freeze past?
>> See http://blog.mandriva.com/2009/03/19/mandriva-helps-porting-k3b-in-qt4/
> Kubuntu developers (Tonio in particular) are looking closely on KDE4 version 
> of k3b. We would be more than happy to get rid of KDE3 completely for Jaunty.
> Tonio has prepared test packages for KDE4 k3b and they are available in his 
> PPA:
> https://launchpad.net/~tonio/+archive/ppa
> He updates this packages regularly from KDE SVN, but we have received mixed 
> results when testing (works for some people, but not all functionality - for 
> example burning ISO images to DVD-RW was reported to not work for some 
> people). 
> We would appreciate any tester from the community that can spend some time on 
> this. We are interested in testing various functionality of k3b. Please test 
> and report both success as well as problems to kubuntu-devel at lists.ubuntu.com 
> or in #kubuntu-devel on IRC.
> Regards,
> Luka
I can take it for a spin later today, testing audio, dvd/cd, iso and so on.

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