Kubuntu Logo for Kickoff

Sebastian Kügler sebas at kde.org
Tue Jun 23 18:10:25 BST 2009

On Tuesday 23 June 2009 16:03:16 Celeste Lyn Paul wrote:
> What was the consensus of using the kubuntu logo for kickoff? I thought it
> was a go until someone mentioned on IRC that it was discussed at UDS and
> shut down. The argument was that we wanted to retain 100% KDE branding?
> I talked to Nuno about it and he said it would be fine as long as it was
> the Kubuntu logo and not a combination of the KDE and Kubuntu logo. He is
> supportive of distro branding. Shytlman is working with the oxygen team on
> the icon so it will be an official icon.
> Thoughts?

From a user point of view (even with very special use cases), I'd much prefer 
it to be the KDE Oxygen logo. When demoing KDE, I tend to use Kubuntu. For 
that, I'd like it to be as upstream as possible.
The openSuse guys have an upstream branding package which makes the experience 
as KDE default as reasonably possible, I'd welcome that if the logo were 

Ow, and  in case you didn't notice, I'm both biased and arguing from a use 
case that's probably as slim as it gets -- so feel free to ignore me. :-)

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