Guidance porting to KDE 4
Simon Edwards
simon at
Wed Jul 8 10:22:05 BST 2009
Nicolas Ternisien wrote:
> Hi Yuriy,
> That's a good news!
Well done Yuriy (and everyone else involved).
One important thing which is missing from the list is PolicyKit
integration using polkit-qt. Bindings for this are in KDE 4.3, and
adding it to userconfig shouldn't be too hard.
> The 3 things that Userconfig are missing:
> - Being available and developed from the KDE SVN
> ( I don't know
> if you took the job made here to continue the porting effort?
> - Integration with Samba
> - Integration with LDAP
Does anyone know if these features are used? (or even work correctly?)
Are any distros shipping with kuser as their default account admin tool?
Simon Edwards | KDE-NL, Guidance tools, Guarddog Firewall
simon at |
Nijmegen, The Netherlands | "ZooTV? You made the right choice."
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