Remove aRts from the archive

Richard Birnie arbyuk at
Sat Jan 24 20:17:21 GMT 2009


We are proposing to remove all aRts related packages from the archive in 
preparation for the jaunty release. For those who don't know aRts is (was) the 
sound system for KDE3. Since the release of KDE4 aRts is no longer maintained 
upstream. There are no KDE4 packages that require aRts. Since we no longer 
provide a KDE3 desktop in jaunty there is no requirement for aRts.

As a consequence all packages that depend on aRts or one of it's libraries 
needs to be recompiled without aRts support. There is a list of affected 
packages along with further instructions here:

If you have a particular interest in one of these packages you can help us out 
by rebuilding it. In some cases it may not be necessary to rebuild the 
package. For example the package may not exist in jaunty (the list was 
compiled from my intrepid system) or may have been replaced by a newer version 
the application that does not require aRts. If you are aware of any package 
where this is the case please let us know by leaving a note in the 'Solution' 
column on the wiki page or on this list.

If anyone has any questions or any reasons why this would be a bad idea then 
let us know. There are a fair number of packages to deal with so if anyone is 
willing to help out with this then come and join us in #kubuntu-devel on irc.


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