plasma-widget-network-manager snapshot up for testing (was: networkmanager plasmoid SRU)

Andreas Wenning subscriptions at
Thu Apr 30 18:31:25 BST 2009

On Thursday 30 April 2009 18:58:23 you wrote:
> Andreas
> Great news .. it seems to have solved the hidden network bug here!

Incredible; we're definitely moving in the right direction.

> But, the first time I booted it did not show up.  I thought it was not
> fixed.  But, then the 2nd time I booted, the "kde wallet" prompt popped
> up and it mysteriously showed my hidden network in the wifi list.  I now
> have several wifi showing and the autoconnect configuration does not
> connect automatically.  I notice (on mouse over) that there is a connect
> / disconnect button to the right of the "WLAN Interface" words.  If I
> click on that connect button to the right, it successfully connects to
> the "autoconnect configured" network.  So, I can use this to make the
> connection.  But, it's just not automatic.  I think it should connect
> once I enter the kde wallet password.
> Anyway, since the hidden network is now visible, at least it is an
> improvement over the old version.
> I also have an ethernet connection and it shows up ok.
> I do not see any regressions, so I vote you push this out to
> jaunty-proposed.  At least people with hidden network's can have them
> recognized.

We have had reports of a few regressions, that we need to get fixed before we 
can try it out in proposed. I have already send them upstream and we're 
working to get them fixed. One of them should already have been fixed by 
upstream; so I've added a new version to the PPA to get this confirmed. Please 
add that version and check that everything still is okay for you.

> Any idea why it didn't work on the first boot??

Could have been some mode-change lost in the communication between the widget 
and the network-manager backend. Or pure coincidence; there seem to be a lot 
of that around communicating with the network manager.

> regards,
> Paul

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