Open source and diagramming survey

Harald Sitter apachelogger at
Thu Apr 30 15:00:13 BST 2009

On Mittwoch, 29. April 2009 20:43:16 chung at wrote:
> Dear open source contributors,
> I am Eunyoung Chung, a Masters student working with Dr. Jensen at
> Oregon State University.
> We are currently doing a research project in collaboration with Dr.
> Truong and Ph.D student Koji Yatani at University of Toronto. Our goal
> is to understand how contributors communicate and collaborate in Open
> Source Software (OSS) projects, including diagramming practices.
> We are seeking volunteers for a quick survey on this topic. Any person
> who is actively working on a OSS project is eligible. The survey takes
> approximately 10-15 minutes, and the 5 volunteers will be picked to
> receive a $30 Amazon gift certificate. Your participation is anonymous
> (unless you consent to have us contact you)
> Here is the survey address.
> We really appreciate your help!

I certainly hope that we get notified about the results *hint* ;-)


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