[kubuntu-devel] Discussing an "Official" Kubuntu PPA scheme

Roderick B. Greening roderick.greening at gmail.com
Mon Apr 27 15:02:41 BST 2009

@ Antonio:
Ninjas is the private staging area for new releases which cannot be released 
until a given date. I.e. for us to pre-build KDE releases before general 

Will we still be able to maintain private PPA's within a team and setup 
different rights? Or should we just leave Ninjas as it is for now, and merge 
the others under a common PPA team or under existing Kubuntu Members? 
Roderick B. Greening, B.Sc.
Paradise, NL Canada
E-mail/MSN: roderick.greening at gmail.com 
LP: launchpad.net/~roderick-greening 
Wiki: wiki.ubuntu.com/rgreening 
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Twitter: twitter.com/rgreening

On April 27, 2009 11:13:37 am Antonio Augusto (Mancha) wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 10:28, Jonathan Riddell <jriddell at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> > On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 02:27:35PM -0400, Jonathan wrote:
> >> Hey all,
> >>
> >> Congrats on the release, etc. I think this is really going to be a good
> >> one.
> >>
> >> :)
> >>
> >> More to the point, I would like to discuss/propose a scheme for the
> >> "official" PPAs that Kubuntu uses. Currently we have four or five PPAs
> >> lying around, which is confusing for everyone. We have:
> >>
> >> - Kubuntu-members (unused for a while)
> >> - Kubuntu-members-kde4
> >> - Kubuntu-experimental
> >> - Kubuntu-updates-testing
> >> - Kubuntu-ninjas (private, for staging new upstream releases that are
> >> embargoed upstream)
> >
> > I believe that launchpad now supports multiple PPAs per team so maybe
> > we should use that.
> >
> > I think Kubuntu-updates-testing is needed for backporting beta
> > releases (e.g. KDE 4.3 beta will come out soon).  I think this is
> > different from experimental which we do use for genuinely experimental
> > packages (a new release of network-manager say).
> >
> > So I'm thinking create a team  kubuntu-ppa and PPAs in it
> >
> > - updates      for minor new releases such as 4.2.3 that haven't been
> >               tested enough to go to ubuntu updates
> > - backports    for new releases such as KDE 4.3.0 that haven't been
> >               tested enough to be moved to Ubuntu backports
> > - beta         for backports of KDE 4.3 beta
> > - experimental for random new packages and also used for building
> >               non-embargoed packages before moving to backports or
> >               beta
> > - kubuntu-ninjas  embargoed packages
> >
> > This doesn't reduce the number of PPAs but they did all exist for a
> > reason.  Possibly beta and backports can be one, if you don't want
> > beta you can just not add the archive until the .0 comes out.
> >
> > Jonathan
> Hey Jonathan,
> This looks like a very good plan. But IMHO beta and experimental
> should be merged. In my POV they are exactly the same (after all, beta
> software is experimental, isn't it?).
> If by experimental you mean alpha quality packages than these should
> go to kubuntu-ninjas.
> I just don't know what you mean by "embargoed packages". Are these
> packages that shouldn't be made available because they are alpha
> quality? If that's the case then yeah, ninjas seems like a good place.
> Updates and backports looks good, accomplishing their roles.
> Cheers,
> KM

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