k3b for kde4 in kubuntu jaunty?

Anthony Mercatante tonio at ubuntu.com
Tue Apr 14 23:45:11 BST 2009

Thanks for the excellent feedback !

It is unfortunatelly too late by far to get k3b in for jaunty....

A backport might be considered as soon as karmic dev cycle starts, so thanks 
again for this, it'll help !


On Tuesday 14 April 2009 22:04:35 Nils Kassube wrote:
> Anthony Mercatante wrote:
> > Feel free to report any test you've performed.
> Here is a report of my latest tests with k3b and associated packages
> version 1.0.5+kde4svn951942-0ubuntu1~ppa4.
> * ISO file selection:
> I navigate to a directory with ISO files. I click on the file name of a
> small ISO file and a window pops up for burning the image. However the
> selected file is NOT the one I just clicked but probably the first ISO
> file I ever selected on this installation.
> I navigate to a directory with ISO files. I click on the file name of a
> big ISO file and it seems like nothing happens. There is no feedback
> like a spinning cursor but K3b uses 92% CPU and is busy possibly
> calculationg the md5sum of the ISO file, the disk is busy as well. After
> about 1/2 minute the window pops up for burning the image. However the
> selected file is NOT the one I clicked but again probably the first ISO
> file I ever selected on this installation.
> All the following tests were successful. I used the default settings
> unless mentioned otherwise.
> * New data project
> - Write file to DVD+RW with verify no multisession.
> - Write file to DVD+RW with verify starting multisession.
> - Write some files to DVD+RW with verify continuing multisession.
> - Write file to DVD+RW with verify closing multisession.
> - Write file to CD-RW with verify no multisession.
> - Write file to CD-RW with verify starting multisession.
> - Write some files to CD-RW with verify continuing multisession.
> - Write file to CD-RW with verify closing multisession.
> * New Audio-CD
> - Write some audio tracks to CD-RW.
> * Copy Medium
> - Copy Audio-CD to CD-RW.
> - Copy Video-DVD to DVD+RW with verify, tiny issue: The DVD+RW is not
> ejected after verifying.
> * Burn image
> - Burn iso image to CD-RW with verify.
> - Burn video-DVD image to DVD+RW with verify.
> Nils

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