def. user not in "scanner"

claydoh claydoh at
Wed Oct 15 22:47:47 BST 2008

On Wednesday October 15 2008 10:19:34 am Dexter Filmore wrote:
> no time, so quick note:
> the default user created during installation is not in "scanner" group
> apps only say "no device found"
> even old stager like me fall for this once in a while and start
> inverstigating why the device is not there, not to mention newbies
> change please

Not quite sure what this is about. But I will guess it is a scanner problem.
This shouldn't have anything to do with the 'group' a user is in, but more 
likely is a driver/.firmware problem. For example, my canoscan works without 
any user tweaks after plugging it in, while my old mustek needs a firmware file, 
but otherwise  works the same.

What scanner brand and model?

Clay Weber

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