KDE PIM For KDE4 - When is it going to be usable/stable ...
Frode M. Døving
frode at ubuntu.com
Thu Feb 28 19:07:08 GMT 2008
At Thursday 28 February 2008 08:51, you wrote:
> On Wednesday 27 February 2008, Scott Kitterman wrote:
> | As I understand it, the KDE PIM plan is something like:
> |
> | KDE 4.0 - Use kdepim from KDE3
> | KDE 4.1 - kdepim ported to QT 4
> | KDE 4.2 - Integrate kdepim with new data back end
> |
> | Personally, I'm not anxious to commit my mail store (my most professionally
> | important knowledge base) on an initial release with an entire new data
> | store. Is that unreasonable?
> No it's not unreasonable, as I would feel the same way. However I thought I was
> told recently that KDE 4.1 will include a stable, just as stable as KDE 3.5.9,
> KDE PIM, it will not include the Akonadi framework at that time, that was
> planned for 4.2 I believe. I think if anyone on this list can better respond to
> this, it would be Tom Albers if he is still around this list :)
I don't think he is. But I think you are right.
> | From my reading of things we are probably ~18 months (KDE 4.3) from a
> | kdepim that's as reliable as what I'm using now with KDE 3.5. Is that
> | wrong?
Yes, as I understand it, for 4.1 the KDE PIM apps will be ported to KDE4 with their current KResources framework.
Basically that means the PIM-apps will be ported to KDE4, with no massive-reconstruction-to-makeuse-of-akonadi.
The plan is to also release the Akonadi Platform with 4.1. (To give developers a stable platform to develop their apps around.)
Then some time in the future the apps will start using Akonadi for real.
> I believe I was told we would have a stable release with 4.1, just not the full
> featured release that was envisioned utilizing Akonadi.
> | From a developer's perspective I can see this makes a lot of sense, I'm
> | just not sure when it's going to be ready for serious production use.
> We should have something with Intrepid for a stable KDE 4 PIM release, at least
> I hope we do.
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