bug triaging on hardy?
Martin Böhm
martin.bohm at kubuntu.org
Sat Feb 2 12:14:03 GMT 2008
Hello Sven,
no single developer is receiving all the bug mail, and it's not
Feature Freeze yet, so developers usually concentrate on features now.
That doesn't mean the bugs are low priority - it's just that
developers may not notice them.
Feel free to come to the IRC channel #kubuntu-devel on freenode and
point us to the bugs that you consider important. We may disagree with
you, but we'll definitely look at them :o)
Alternatively, you can publish a list of links here in this thread,
that's also fine.
Thanks for helping us make Kubuntu rock!
Martin "mhb" Böhm
On Feb 2, 2008 12:11 PM, Sven Boden <svenboden at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Don't know whether this is the right list for this, if it's not please redirect me ;)
> Is there a proper way to give some bug reports a higher visibility? I've been testing hardy alpha2 and 3, I found/verified some bugs which I would consider "high" (not crashing the system, but 99% of the people will be affected by them). The bugs are in launchpad, but I don't see any triaging or so happening.
> Is there somewhere a roadmap or so of high to critical bugs that needs fixing before final release, and how do I get a few of "mine" on there?
> Except for the daily live cd of 31 january 2008, I'm very impressed with the stability of hardy.
> Regards,
> Sven
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