Humble Suggestion

Richard A. Johnson nixternal at
Sun Oct 14 07:38:43 BST 2007

On Sunday 14 October 2007, Manpreet Dhillon wrote:
| Kubuntu Gusty Gibbon Final still hasn't released. So please tell me if it
| is possible to give a suggestion for adding something in its final release.
| If yes then I have a request that please add at least 3-4 icon themes and
| Mozilla Firefox and Thunderbird. Even Konqueror is there but not as fast as
| Firefox. So please look upon this humble advice.

Like Scott said it is to late. Could you please link me to the icon themes you 
are referring to? I know there are a few of them on KDE Look, however 
licensing is borked to the point that we wouldn't be able to package them, 
and one of the icon themes uses a Linspire logo for the spinner, so that 
won't get it either. I have spoken to quite a few of the icon developers on 
KDE Look, and none of them were willing to work with us to get their icon 
packages into our repositories.

As for Firefox and Thunderbird, those will more than likely never make it as a 
default in Kubuntu. All Mozilla products do not play all that well with 
KDE/Qt for one, plus neither products has proven itself to be 100% better 
than either Konqueror or Kontact. However I will never say never on this, but 
for it to even be considered (which I believe it has in the past), it would 
require a specification/blueprint that would get presented and decided upon 
at an Ubuntu Developer Summit (such as the one coming up in a couple of weeks 
in Boston).

Richard A. Johnson
nixternal at
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