Please, oh come on, lemme in

Michael Anderson nosrednaekim at
Wed Nov 21 19:43:52 GMT 2007

I am not a member, but I would like to say that stdin/Terence is extremely
helpful on #kubuntu and helps keep us often-straying techs on track :D 

On Wednesday 21 November 2007 10:13:47 Terence Simpson wrote:
> Seriously though...
> Seeing as the next Kubuntu team meeting won't be for a while, I thought
> I'd send my request for Kubuntu membership here, just like Coreymon77.
> Take a look at my wiki page[1] for some info about who I am and what I
> get up to (although it's only recently I've actually added stuff to it).
> Most of you know me from #kubuntu where I help with community support
> and am an op, I also hang out in #kubuntu-devel quite a bit. My most
> recent activity was getting KDE4 RC1 out to you gutsy users from my PPA,
> to be honest it wasn't my intention to distribute the packages from
> there but it's better than waiting for them to get in to -backports. As
> a special gift everyone who downloads KDE4 RC1 now gets a new version of
> Konversation (whoops).
> Anyway, if you have any questions/comments just reply and I'll try to
> answer whatever you want to know.
> Terence Simpson
> [1] <>

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