Please, oh come on, lemme in

Terence Simpson stdin at
Wed Nov 21 15:13:47 GMT 2007

Seriously though...
Seeing as the next Kubuntu team meeting won't be for a while, I thought
I'd send my request for Kubuntu membership here, just like Coreymon77.
Take a look at my wiki page[1] for some info about who I am and what I
get up to (although it's only recently I've actually added stuff to it).
Most of you know me from #kubuntu where I help with community support
and am an op, I also hang out in #kubuntu-devel quite a bit. My most
recent activity was getting KDE4 RC1 out to you gutsy users from my PPA,
to be honest it wasn't my intention to distribute the packages from
there but it's better than waiting for them to get in to -backports. As
a special gift everyone who downloads KDE4 RC1 now gets a new version of
Konversation (whoops).
Anyway, if you have any questions/comments just reply and I'll try to
answer whatever you want to know.

Terence Simpson

[1] <>

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