Suggestion: Enable mouse gestures by default

chris at chris at
Wed Nov 7 17:29:27 GMT 2007

Another informative overview over some gestures and how to use them in the 
Opera webbrowser is available on Opera's website [1]. Some of those are 
similar to many other implementations like the one of Khotkeys. Notable 
exceptions are the mouse wheel gestures - unfortunately those are not 
available in Khotkeys.

To get a better feel for the whole idea I suggest to check the khotkeysrc 
configuration file attached. It's the same as in my original mail, with some 
Akregator gestures added that I forgot before;

Backup ~/.kde/share/config/khotkeysrc and copy my file to that location.
Afterwards check System Settings -> Accessibility -> Input Actions;
There should be but one group called "Mouse Gestures".
All the gestures work for the specified applications and have comments that 
say how to use them, for example:

Mouse Gestures
  -> Konqueror
     -> New Tab
      Comment: "Press, move up, release."

The button to be pressed is the Right Mouse Button, so to open a new tab in an 
active Konqueror window you would press (and hold) the right mouse button on 
any place within the window, move the cursor up a bit and then release the 
right mouse button. A new tab will pop up.

A full list of those gestures would be part of the documentation I'd like to 
create / help with.

As far as I know you don't need to restart KHotkeys. if it won't work right 
away, click around in the 'Mouse Gestures' group a bit without changing 
anything and click on "Apply" - should work then.


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