
jos poortvliet jos at
Mon Jun 25 07:18:33 BST 2007

Op Monday 25 June 2007, schreef Manpreet Singh Dhillon:
> Mike wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > My name is Mike and I live in Texas (USA).  I just switched to Kubuntu
> > from another distro.  This is an excellent distro and I now feel "at
> > home" so to speak.  I like the philosophy and the  defined plan for the
> > distribution.  Very well organized.
> >
> > A little about me -
> >
> > I am a Sr. Systems Analyst, I have been in I.T. for 26 years and
> > currently do programming on an IBM mainframe.  I do both On-Line and
> > Batch programming mainly using CICS, Cobol, Natural and DB2.  I am also
> > a DB2 Applications DBA.  I know about 17 or so computer programming
> > languages and several platforms including PC, Client-Server, Unix, IBM
> > Mainframe, DG and now Linux.
> >
> > Don't know what else to say at this point other than I am very glad to
> > be here and hope to make some new friends!
> >
> > Mike
> *WelCome here sir*, although i'm not an official to welcome you but
> anyway WelCome to Kubuntu.

I think everybody is 'official' enough to welcome someone to a community - 
after all, we're all part of it ;-)
And I'll join this welcome: I hope you'll have a lot of fun here, Mike :D

> You seems to me a very intelligent person in computing and programming
> so why not use your free time and skill to help Open Source community of
> Kubuntu.
> Try to contribute something to Kubuntu world.
> If i had that knowledge i would have made every effort to do something
> for Kubuntu.
> Thanks and have a nice day!
> Regards:
> Manpreet Singh Dhillon,
> Punjab


Alles wat ik doe denk en zeg is gebaseerd op het wereldbeeld wat ik nu heb. 
Ik ben niet verantwoordelijk voor wijzigingen van de wereld, of het beeld wat 
ik daarvan heb, noch voor de daaruit voortvloeiende gedragingen van mezelf. 
Alles wat ik zeg is aardig bedoeld, tenzij expliciet vermeld.

Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

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