Adept Feature Request

jos poortvliet jos at
Tue Feb 27 18:04:27 GMT 2007

Op Tuesday 27 February 2007, schreef Constantin Makshin:
> Adept offers an option to display console while working with packages
> (installing, removing, etc.). Sometimes that console vital (for configuring
> packages) so I guess it should be displayed by default.
> For example, when 2.6.20-9 kernel was out, I decided to remove 2.6.20-8 and
> install the new one. When removing old kernel, dpkg asked something, but
> when I clicked "Show Details" button, the terminal flickered and I saw
> black rectangle instead of it. Pressing "Show (Hide) Details" button for
> several times didn't help.
> Pressing arrow keys on keyboard caused "Yes" and "No" buttons to show. But
> without seeing the question itself, I had to blindly select one of
> suggested options.
> If the terminal was displayed from the beginning, such thing wouldn't
> happen.

Adept currently properly supports the Qt interface for asking these questions, 
so the console isn't needed for this anymore. As I can't think of any other 
reasons to show the console by default, I'd consider your problem solved ;-)

> -----------------------------
> Sorry if my English is bad. :)

Who cares as long as we understand each other?

> --
> Dinosaur


Alles wat ik doe denk en zeg is gebaseerd op het wereldbeeld wat ik nu heb. 
Ik ben niet verantwoordelijk voor wijzigingen van de wereld, of het beeld wat 
ik daarvan heb, noch voor de daaruit voortvloeiende gedragingen van mezelf. 
Alles wat ik zeg is aardig bedoeld, tenzij expliciet vermeld.
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