Kubuntu LTS

Stephan Hermann sh at sourcecode.de
Sat Dec 29 15:40:44 GMT 2007

Hi Scott,

Am Fri, 28 Dec 2007 19:51:30 +0000
schrieb Scott James Remnant <scott at ubuntu.com>:

> On Fri, 2007-12-28 at 20:37 +0100, Luka Renko wrote:
> > What I would expect is to announce it more formally from the
> > Canonical through official announce channel that is picked up by
> > news sites also. Initial Hardy LTS announcement [1] did not mention
> > that Kubuntu will not have LTS badge.
> > 
> There isn't such an announcement channel that covers Kubuntu,
> ubuntu-devel-announce is the announcement equivalent of ubuntu-devel;
> there isn't currently a kubuntu-devel-announce.
> Note that that announcement doesn't mention that Gobuntu, Ubuntu
> Mobile, etc. also won't have the LTS badge.

I think the difference is, that there are some differences between the
flavours now and what was announced during dapper.

> > I think we in general need to fix Ubuntu/Kubuntu announcements in
> > future to make it clear what applies for Ubuntu common platform,
> > what is Ubuntu/GNOME specific and what is Kubuntu specific. This
> > have caused confusion in past (users expecting Ubuntu/GNOME
> > features in Kubuntu).
> > 
> This has been attempted in the past, however it led to even more
> confusing announcements than we had before; with vast clarification on
> what bits applied to what.
> The current method is for each top-level product to announce itself
> independently, and then only have one major "combined" announcement
> for each release.

Well, there is a difference between: "Canonical decided to not badge
Kubuntu 8.04 as LTS" and an official post on Canonicals news page e.g.

"LTS" is a Canonical Commercial Badge, and (not knowing if any
customer bought support contracts for Kubuntu Dapper LTS) should be
announced properly through Canonicals Marketing and News Channels.

Your explanation on this list was more for the devs and for
interessted community users...but it explains the reasons.

So, for me as a potential customer of a Canonical Support Contract,
would like to see an official statement on Canonicals Website...just as
a reminder for real business people...Managers are not reading geeky
developer mailinglists ;)

Regards and a good start into the year 4  after Warty Release :) 


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