new powermanager and battery

Sebastian Kügler sebas at
Sat Sep 2 12:38:39 BST 2006

Hi Ellen,

On Saturday 02 September 2006 12:40, Ellen Reitmayr wrote:
> On Friday 01 September 2006 09:43, Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> > Currently, I've implemented two levels: BATTERY_WARNING (set to 8%) and
> > BATTERY_CRITICAL (set to 4%). BATTERY_WARNING shows a passive popup,
> > notifying of a battery running low, BATTERY_CRITICAL shows a popup and
> > suspends (that one is configurable) immediately. Thinking of that, maybe
> > a timeout and the option to cancel it would be nice, but then I'm using
> > suspend2 and I can cancel while suspending anyway.
> I don't know suspend2 and my battery is fully charged, so I can't test it
> now.. how can you cancel it? is there a time limit for cancelling?

While suspending to disk (with suspend2, which is not standard, takes ~30sec), 
you can press cancel and get back to work.

> > My conclusion would be that we should use percent as a unit and make the
> > numbers configurable for varying battery capacities -- 10 minutes might
> > be 8% based on a 2h battery, it might be 5% based on a 4h battery.
> > Worn-out batteries might be another use case.
> The problem with percentage is that users can't imagine what 8% or 5% means
> in minutes (even if they know their battery capacity). In the configuration
> UI, it's much easier for a user to set minutes. Isn't it possible to
> re-calculate the user's minute value to a percentage and use that for
> battery_warning internally?

The thing that is "suspend if no less then 3 minutes left", that would 
technically be possible. I'll see what is possible to make it more clear.

> > In the UI (tooltip), we would then need to display both, percent
> > remaining and minutes remaining based on current rate.
> I'm fine with that.

sebas | |  GPG Key ID: 9119 0EF9 
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