[kubuntu-testers] Helping with the Edgy->Feisty upgrade process

Martin B. necteno at gmail.com
Sat Oct 28 21:49:25 BST 2006

Hi all,

if you have visited a Ubuntu forum lately or read some blogposts
(digg's popular:
) you might have noticed that the upgrade process was a lot of pain
for many users.

Although negative comments are always more common in forums and in
blogs than the positive ones (and it's good that so many people use
(K)ubuntu ), I think we should (the Testing Team) get ready for the
next release and provide enough upgrade testing so that we'll make
more people happy about it.

Although there is little known about Feisty yet, I'd like to get some
volunteers who will be able to test Edgy->Feisty (and Dapper-> Feisty
if it will be supported) and report all possible complications. I'll
also take care of preparing the necessary documentation on the wiki in
a few days, so don't worry about anything.

Jonathan, can you inform us (probably after the UDS) if an
"update-manager" of some sort is planned for Feisty and explain to us
how the update process from Edgy->Feisty will look like? Thank you.

If you already know you'll be able to help with the Feisty upgrade
testing, let me know. If you have other ideas which could help with
upgrading, you can post them here, too.

Thank you (and the developers for a high-quality edgy release)!


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