Speeding up live cd boot through optimizing file layout

Krzysztof Lichota krzysiek at lichota.net
Mon May 29 00:47:34 BST 2006

(Posted also to ubuntu-devel)

I have taken a shot at optimizing boot speed of Kubuntu live CD by
changing layout of files on CD (no changes to live CD contents).

First results are promising. By using naive approach to sort files by
first access during boot, I have shortened boot time by 15-20 seconds
(from 1:53s to 1:33s on desktop machine, from 2:07s to 1:52s on laptop).
This is time reported by bootchart, probably time until desktop appears
is further shrunk.

More details (including tools, bootcharts, sort file used for mksquashfs
and ISO images) are on this page:

I will try to squeeze more from this live CD, it seems there is room for
further improvements.

Verifications of results by some independent person would be welcome :)


	Krzysztof Lichota

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