AW: Re: window decoration for dapper final?
jos poortvliet
jos at
Wed Mar 22 18:41:25 GMT 2006
Op woensdag 22 maart 2006 15:34, schreef jos poortvliet:
> Op woensdag 22 maart 2006 14:28, schreef Chris:
> > After reading Sebas' thoughts about the performance I think it's rather
> > important now that the windeco for dapper is switched 'back' to Plastik.
> > Why Plastik? There would be a wealth of other windecos for KDE that
> > fulfill the requirements of professionalism and usability, but Plastik
> > has very widespread use (no bugs to be expected) and with KDE 3.2 or so
> > got a lot of performance optimizations. So all in all I think KDE is the
> > best choice for dapper (3 years of use ahead) and is not a bad one
> > either.
> i think you have a reasonable point here - performance is important, and
> being bug-free too. personally, there is just one thing i don't like about
> plastik's windec, and that's the fact it *always* wants to show a thin line
> seperating the window from the decoration, instead of just blending them.
> seems to be hard-coded, i can't recolor it or get rid of it. and this is
> exactly the kind of thing that seperates gnome from KDE: kde always seems
> to have these thin lines seperating stuff that doesn't have to be
> seperated. plastik would look a lot cleaner if it just got rid of that
> line...
ok, i got rid of the thin line. have a look at plastik windec WITHOUT the
annoying line:
i just had to remove all 4 instances of ".dark(110)" in plastik.cpp
i think with this change, plastik's windec looks modern enough to be the
default in kubuntu :D
You'll wish that you had done some of the hard things when they were easier
to do.
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