flight 5 testing - any quick way?

Donatas G. dgvirtual at akl.lt
Mon Mar 20 11:30:03 GMT 2006

I have downloaded and run kubuntu flight 5 live cd. Looks nice,
also produces a lot of error messages.

Is there an easy way to help development for a non-developer?
Most of the error messages during bootup are not easily understandable
to me, but perhaps it would help some developer, if I mailed boot log,
computer hardware profile, any other easily obtainable info about the
way flight 5 ran on my computer(s)?

Would that be useful? If so, what exactly should I mail and to whom?

I am sorry I cannot spend more time on testing flight cd's and do
detailed bug reports - I just don't have that time now.

Donatas G.

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