Automounting devices different in ubuntu/kubuntu badger?

Joao Pedro Clemente jpcl at
Mon Jan 16 22:21:42 GMT 2006

Oopsie.... I just found out (the stupid way?) that after all my pen gets
mounted under KDE also... I'm not sure why this hasn't happened yesterday,
as I haven't updated any package since then..

Sorry for the entropy in the mailing list! :-|

Just for the record, there is no 'ivman' process running in this machine.
Thanks for the replyes!

		        	Joao Pedro Clemente

On Mon, 16 Jan 2006, Joao Pedro Clemente wrote:

> Thanks Laszlo!
> Ok.... so, if I got it straight, HAL support must exist at "user interface
> level" (as opposite to "user-level" - "out of kernel")? Can you point me
> to some docs about this? I have recently studied udev/devfs so I tought an
> user-level app was called (hotplug), wich had (user-level) rules that then
> would mount/create device mount point/whatever. This was what I meant
> about "kernel/system" (kernel notifying hotplug at user-level, hotplug
> doing something about the new device).
> Well, as I said, I was using a completly updated kubuntu badger install,
> so I should then have ivman running (I guess I hadn't or I would see the
> device according to your description) but I'll check it again when I get
> home.
> The ivman solution will be removed when KDE's HAL support gets included
> then? Because you said this was a kubuntu-only "feature" and runs at a
> lower-level than X, so what if (as I have done, actually), someone
> installs Kubuntu and then apt-get's ubuntu-desktop to use gnome? Wouldn't
> gnome HAL support and ivman conflict?
> PS: I'm writing to kubuntu-devel because I think this is the way to help
> debug/improve the upcoming badger. If you feel I should be posting
> somewhere else please just point me to the right place.
> PS2: Let me do some ascii-art to picture what I was saying about
> "UI-Level, System-Level, Kernel-Level":
> -----------------------------------------
>   UI-Level  (KDE/Gnome/whatever DE/WM)
> -----------------------------------------
> System-Level ("user-level" apps): daemons
> -----------------------------------------
>             Kernel-Level
> -----------------------------------------
> Thanks
> --
> 		        	Joao Pedro Clemente
>         			jpcl @
> On Mon, 16 Jan 2006, Laszlo Pandy wrote:
> > HAL is the hardware abstraction layer which is used by higher level programs
> > to mount these USB devices. The latest gnome which comes with badger has
> > support by default for HAL. This means you can configure the mounting
> > behaviour with gnome settings. However KDE 3.4 does not have HAL support. KDE
> > 3.5 has HAL support and will be included in dapper. For Kubuntu users, there
> > should be a program called ivman installed which will mount any USB device
> > regardless if KDE or GNOME or X for that matter is running. If you have a
> > Kubuntu install ivman should be running in the background and should mount
> > everything that gets plugged in.
> > The kernel does not automatically mount everything as this is a potential
> > security issue. So no, it is not done at the "kernel/system" level, instead
> > HAL is used to call the low level system to mount the device, only when
> > requested by the upper level program.
> >
> > On Monday 16 January 2006 9:00 am, Joao Pedro Clemente wrote:
> > > Hi.
> > > I faced a strange behaviour diference in kubuntu badger vs ubuntu badger:
> > >
> > > With a fully updated kubuntu badger, I was inserting an usb pen and I
> > > would see no automount being made. I then installed ubuntu-desktop
> > > package, switched to gnome, and strangely gnome would show me a mounted
> > > device when I inserted the same pen!
> > >
> > > Shouldn't this "detect device hotplug and automount" be something done at
> > > "kernel/system" level? I was amazed to see a diference by simply switching
> > > from kde to gnome!
> > >
> > > I was hoping that, even if no X was running, hotplug/udev would detect and
> > > mount the device. So I was unable to explain myself this difference...
> > >
> > > Anyone faced this?
> --
> kubuntu-devel mailing list
> kubuntu-devel at

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