Dapper Flight 4 Testing

Martin Ammermüller martin.ammermueller at bnro.de
Sun Feb 19 17:27:01 GMT 2006

Am Sonntag, 19. Februar 2006 18:07 schrieb Miquel Torres:
> 	Next there is the question of usability. The new Adept (1.89) GUI is
> a bit confusing, although inexpert users shoudn't need to worry about
> that. But all 3 programs are just a bit rough on the edges and
> wouldn't mind a beautifying either.

It's IMO better than the previous versions, because of the added 
tag-filtering. I was used to it because i used Synaptic before. But the 
Synaptic GUI is IMO still unrivalled. It's a lot easier to use.

Martin Ammermüller
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