kde menu search bar

Hok Kakada hokkakada at khmeros.info
Thu Feb 9 01:22:01 GMT 2006

javier wrote:
>Suse 10 & 10.1 ship with a search bar in the main kde menu. I believe this is 
>a custom patch they have made to the menu since I haven't seen it in any 
>other distro. Is there any posibility to add it to kubuntu dapper? An add-on 
>or something like that?
>Here's a shot of the search bar:
Just a question, does this search bar shiped by SuSE10 ( SuSE 10.1) or 
by KDE 3.5 ?
I am now using SuSE10 and KDE3.5 with some Khmer interface. As I 
remember SuSE10 just ship KDE3.4, but I failed to recognize the search bar.

It's usefull to have this feature, because I personally, cannot find the 
specific program I want.


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