Firefox Integration With KDE
Justin Newman
eqisow at
Sat Aug 26 17:51:42 BST 2006
I definitely second this idea...
On 8/23/06, Anderson, John <janderso at> wrote:
> In dapper when you apt-get install firefox you get a more or less usable
> browser, but it has some problems:
> 1) It is somewhat ugly, even if you have the gtk-qt engine installed.
> 2) It uses the Gnome file chooser.
> 3) It doesn't associate with any of the KDE apps, so PDFs etc. don't view
> right without a lot of work. This also breaks the downloads dialog. Clicking
> on the open link does nothing by default.
> I know Konqueror is available, but the reality is many users prefer
> Firefox for one reason or another, and it is probably one of the most common
> GTK apps that would be installed in Kubuntu.
> I wanted to bring up the possibility of adding a "firefox-kde" package
> which would theme Firefox and associate it with the proper KDE apps so that
> it would be more functional.
> There are instructions on the Gentoo wiki for some basic theming and
> replacing of the file dialog.
> )
> Then maybe the file associations could be added to the package?
> This would make it quick and easy for a novice user to install Firefox and
> have it work as well as it did on their Windows box, without having to
> search for howtos. Is it feasible to do something like this?
> --
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> kubuntu-devel at
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