new developer needs help

Matthias Lechner matthias at
Thu Aug 17 11:44:51 BST 2006

Hi Ashok,

I think the reason why Tom wrote that is because there are better ways to 
start coding. KDE4 is very unstable and does not even have a fixed API yet. 
So you would be better off if you started with Qt4 without KDE4 and then come 
back when you are familiar with Qt.

Best regards

Am Samstag, 19. August 2006 06:10 schrieb ashok pappu:
> I am not sure why you are asking that question.  I am trying to do some
> serious stuff in c++.  I have very little practical experience in c++
> (and in QT) having done it only in school.  I have no experience
> contributing to open source software.  I am very interested in learning
> c++ and contributing to KDE.  so I started to build KDE and seek help.
> If this is not the right place to start please advise.
> Thank you
> Ashok Pappu
> On Fri, 2006-08-18 at 09:45 +0200, Tom Albers wrote:
> > Are you sure you want to try KDE4?
> >
> > Toma
> >

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