[kubuntu-devel] Kubuntu dapper-flight-6+ feedback

Christoph Wiesen chris at deadhand.com
Thu Apr 20 21:21:27 BST 2006

Am Dienstag, 18. April 2006 18:09 schrieb Jonathan Riddell:
> > ------------------------------
> > Konqueror file-view search bar
> > ------------------------------
> > A. When saving the view-profile "Kubuntu File Manager" the search bar
> > get's lost.
> > I have no idea why this is
> > When I start konqueror for the first time I change the view mode to "tree
> > view" and go to settings -> save view profile "Kubuntu File Manager".
> > After that any newly opened Konqueror has lost the search bar. No idea
> > why.
> And the search bar is hard to get back.  Such is the usability of
> Konqueror.

I found out a bit more on this one and actually found what's missing, check 
out the bug report (40406) please:
Filter Toolbar not available in tree view or detailed list view

> > B. The search bar does scale down too late.
> I presume the search bar uses a fixed width, I think anything else
> would cause more problems

Forget B. With the current size of the filter searchbar konqueror should be 
usable even when the window is small.

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