[kubuntu-devel] Kubuntu on Rosetta

jos poortvliet jos at mijnkamer.nl
Wed Apr 19 08:47:31 BST 2006

Op woensdag 19 april 2006 06:37, schreef Donatas G.:
> I am not exactly clear on this...  Do I get it correctly, that whatever I
> improve in KDE stable after 3.5.2 release (which, let's suppose, is now in
> Dapper) will not get into Dapper unless KDE 3.5.3 is released and included
> into Dapper?

no, if you test the patch and it is important for kubuntu, Jonathan Riddell 
can add it to the KDE 3.5.2 packages in Kubuntu. if you send it upstream, it 
won't be included in KDE 3.5.2 of course, but in KDE 3.5.3.


You will be winged by an anti-aircraft battery.
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