Kubuntu dapper-flight-6+ feedback

Christoph Wiesen chris at deadhand.com
Tue Apr 18 22:28:42 BST 2006

Hope this kind of feedback is still ok and doesn't get to confusing with me 
replying to myself again and again...

There are two issues with icons in K-Menu:

K-Menu icons not created before next logout
There won't be any entries created in K-Menu for applications installed with 
adept. Only after logging out and logging in again will these icons appear in 
K-Menu. More info within the bug report:

K-menu entry for kdewallet missing
KDE-Wallet seems to be used more in KDE 3.5. For this I had to start using it 
for storing my passwords. I choose not to use it at first through, storing my 
passwords anyway (that used to work pre-KDE 3.5). So I closed kwallet.
When I figured out that it's closer integrated now and actually needed to 
store my passwords I could not launch it since there is no icon in K-Menu for 

Additionally it is possible to disable the system tray icon within the options 
of kwalletmanager. I choose to do so as well, so that kwalletmanager would 
not clutter my system tray. Again I can not open kwalletmanager now since 
there is no icon in K-Menu.

I think it should have an icon in utilities.

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