Tracking Kubuntu in Launchpadh

Jonathan Jesse jjesse at
Tue Apr 18 03:52:59 BST 2006

Recently there has been the whole mailing thread on Kubuntu Devel
and other locations and I was doing some thinking on some other ways that
Canonical supporting Kubuntu more openly would be to add Kubuntu to the
distrobution tracking that is done in the launchpad.

For example I was working on trying to find some things and figure out how
packages and bugs are both tracked and filed in malone and was wondering how
this was done.  I tried search under distros for Kubuntu and didn't find
anything.  I did find the easiest, maybe not the best way to search for bugs
was to start at teh kbuntu team and then click on assigend bugs.  However
I'm pretty sure I'm missing some that I might be able to help out with.  So
why is Kubuntu not tracked the same way as Kubuntu?

Just curious as to how things are setup,


Jonathan Jesse

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