Time config in flight-6 installer

Rajeev J Sebastian rajeev_jsv at dinamis.com
Thu Apr 13 08:54:26 BST 2006

On Thursday 13 April 2006 12:22, Michel D'HOOGE wrote:
> 2006/4/13, Rajeev J Sebastian <rajeev_jsv at dinamis.com>:
> > I just got the Kubuntu dapper flight 6. Upon installing it, I was asked
> > whether my system time was UTC or not.
> IIRC there is a hint saying that if you only (plan to) install Linux, you
> should choose UTC. But if you (will) also have Windows, you must choose
> local time. At least, there was something like that in the debian
> installer.
Yes. That is how I figured I should choose UTC :) (I don't have Windows on any 
of my 4 machines at home; all with various versions of Kubuntu.)
> It would be nice if the the dialog actually shows what time the system is
> > set
> > to. This would make it easier to make the choice when the dialog comes
> > up.
> I agree with you.
Would you know how to actually implement this in the installer ? I'm looking 
in the clock-setup source code, and I can see the clock-setup.templates file 
with the message. How can I change it to show the time ?

Rajeev J Sebastian

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