Kubuntu translations

Raphaël Pinson raphink at gmail.com
Wed Apr 5 22:32:32 BST 2006

> There is something strange with that last page... if I click on French, for
> example, I see a lot of KDE related packages ready for translation. But
> click on German: The same packages that appeared for French are not there
> anymore! Including (Ad)ept.

Yes, this is a launchpad oddity somehow... I had to take adept from the 
package source to translate it. It wouldn't appear in the list. I hope this 
is fixed soon.

Note: when you have requests or want to report bugs about 
launchpad/rosetta/malone, you can complain (but not too much) on #launchpad 
on Freenode.


Raphaël Pinson
<raphink at ubuntu.com>
Ubuntu - Linux for Human Beings
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