
Christoph Wiesen chris at
Sun Sep 4 07:14:23 CDT 2005

Am Sonntag 04 September 2005 10:45 schrieb Bastian Holst:
> Hello,
> I'm using kubuntu breezy on an amd64 at the moment and I would like to tell
> you my experiences.
> First I recognized, that we have new transparent selection-rectangels,
> which look very nice, but it gets stuck if you haven't installed your
> graphics-driver. So I installed it with a "apt-get install nvidia-glx
> nvidia-glx-dev nvidia-settings" and enabled it via "nvidia-glx-config
> enable". The last thing I had to do was adding the line "Option
> "RenderAccel" "true"" to  the Driver-section in my xorg.conf.
> I think this last thing should happen automatically, when using
> "nvidia-glx-config". I also don't find how to deactivate this transparent
> rectangle, but I haven't really looked for it.
> I have also seen this beautiful rounded text boxes in konqueror (if you
> have breezy or suse 9.3 you know what I mean).

Ok, this is only slightly related to your original post, but anyway since you 
mentioned the improved "rubber-band" and rounded text boxes I figured I might 
ask you (or the devs) this:

In Detailed List / Tree View of Konqueror is the column that's used for "sort 
by" highlighted?
In SuSE 9.3 they included this nice little improvement. It's there in anutilus 
as well. Just curious if it already is in breezy or if it will come to it.


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