Bastian Holst
bastianholst at
Sun Sep 4 03:45:21 CDT 2005
I'm using kubuntu breezy on an amd64 at the moment and I would like to tell
you my experiences.
First I recognized, that we have new transparent selection-rectangels, which
look very nice, but it gets stuck if you haven't installed your
graphics-driver. So I installed it with a "apt-get install nvidia-glx
nvidia-glx-dev nvidia-settings" and enabled it via "nvidia-glx-config
enable". The last thing I had to do was adding the line "Option "RenderAccel"
"true"" to the Driver-section in my xorg.conf.
I think this last thing should happen automatically, when using
"nvidia-glx-config". I also don't find how to deactivate this transparent
rectangle, but I haven't really looked for it.
I have also seen this beautiful rounded text boxes in konqueror (if you have
breezy or suse 9.3 you know what I mean).
There are also some faults in kde-systemsettings, like these inverted buttons
for "Reset" and "Apply" (in KDE, the Apply-Button is normally on the left and
the Reset on the right and in kde-systemsettings the Apply-Button is on the
right) and the non-existence of a ScrollView (on 1280x1024 it is ok, but not
on 1024x768). This is not very user-friendly, but all in all I like this
I'm also of the opinion that we should divide the System- and the
User-Configurations in two different programs. So I think its simplier and we
don't have this sudo-Problem in kcontrol/kde-systemsettings. I have seen that
it's fixed, so we won't need this division of the settings in breezy, but i
think we would need it if we get more configuration-widgets for
I also don't like the media-players in the amd64-version. They can play only a
very few files, because they are compiled for amd64 and the codecs are 32bit
(if I'm wrong, correct me!). I think we should also compile everything which
depends on 32bit things in 32bit. This works with OpenOffice, too.
I hope somebody reads this and thinks about these problems.
Bastian Holst
bastianholst at
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