Pablo Pita Leira pablo.pita at
Mon Oct 17 16:52:24 CDT 2005


First of all, I like the integration work done on Kubuntu. You all rock.

So, I did my upgrade to Breezy via aptitude update && aptitude dist-upgrade.
I read a bit before the upgrade to know what issues people found on the
upgrade and what to expect from Breezy. I wanted to have the new features
(kat, locate, system logs, new kernel, ...) so I went for the upgrade.
Things went ok. 

Some small issues that I found:

- The us_intl xkb profile for the keyboard was no longer available. To
compose accents with my US keyboard, I had to configure a "us" profile with
intl  as a variant. 

- For kaffeine, I had the binary w32codecs installed but the gstreamer
engine did not work with MS formats. I installed kaffeine-xine, and used it
as engine, and ok.

The issue pending is about Konqueror View Profiles, as I like to see my old
profiles, so I have just posted a note in the forums asking for support.

Pablo Pita 

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