kubuntu updates model

Donatas ziogelis77 at takas.lt
Mon May 2 03:53:42 CDT 2005

Hi, I was wondering, what the Kubuntu updates model is, read some 
discussions, but still did not get it.

Once a bugfix is worked out, would it affect the repository, so that I 
can install a bug-free package? And, to what extent is that done (main 
only, main and universe...)? Or, perhaps, only security-related bugs get 
fixed for the current release, and all other bug fixes only affect the 
future releases?

Could someone knowledgeable answer these example cases to help me out?

1. Kaffeine crashes once I try to push Full Screen button while playing 
any video file or DVD. Would this get fixed in the current release, if a 
bug is reported?

2. Lithuanian language package for KDE is basically empty, so no 
Lithuanian by default is available. That is a bug easy to solve - will 
the package be rebuilt for the current release?

3. Suppose a new KDE "bugfix and translations" release 3.4.1 is released 
before the next ubuntu release. Will these packages be ported to the 
current release repositories (after all, this would be a BUGFIX release)?

I think answers to these questions would help me get it.


Donatas Glodenis

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