[kubuntu-devel] Guidance on Kubuntu

Luke Monahan lukemonahan at gmail.com
Tue Jun 14 03:39:02 CDT 2005

Just a quick update.

Sebas from the Guidance team has been patching guidance for Kubuntu, and has 
most issues sorted out.  I've been sending a couple of patches and it's 
mostly fixed.

If you check out from SVN at svn://vizzzion.org/guidance/trunk you can see 
yourself.  I'll have a go at packaging an SVN snapshot when I get a free 

The displayconfig is not working yet, but I think there is a plan for getting 
this properly cross-distribution.

Serviceconfig is working except for service statuses are not being detected 
(I'm working on this myself, but it seems to be a problem that noone has yet 
solved well on Debian based systems).  Descriptions for services are being 
retrieved from apt-cache description of package that owns the service.

Other than that it's all working as it should.



On Tuesday 14 June 2005 04:00, you wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 06, 2005 at 01:35:05PM +1000, Luke Monahan wrote:
> > While at home with an ear infection :( I thought I would have a look at
> > the guidance configuration modules available at
> > http://www.simonzone.com/software/guidance/ to stave off some boredom. 
> > These are a set of configuration modules for kde (integrated into
> > kcontrol), written in python.  Currently the following modules are
> > written, with possibly more to come:
> >
> > - serviceconfig (runlevel editor)
> > - userconfig (user and group configuration)
> > - mountconfig (/etc/fstab editor)
> > - displayconfig (x-server configuration editor)
> Great, guideance is definatly something we want in Breezy.
> > Because these modules were written for Mandrake originially they need a
> > certain amount of "Kubuntuizing".
> >
> > So far I have all modules except displayconfig actually compiling and
> > running (thanks to sh for the python2.4-kde package).  I haven't done
> > extensive testing, but userconfig seems to work completely and correctly.
> >  The mountconfig module is also pretty close to working, with only a few
> > little errors, which I'll attack soon.
> Are you sending your patches upstream?
> Would you be able to make packages of Guidance (and libpythonise) or send
> me your patches so I can make them?
> > I'm now onto the runlevel editor, to see if I can get that to work
> > completely.
> >
> > My current problems are:
> >
> > 1. Where do I get a description of an init.d script?  In Mandrake there
> > seems to be a convention of having a comment block beginning with "#
> > description:" in the init.d script, but no such conventions are followed
> > in Kubuntu.  Any ideas?
> >
> > 2. Where do I get the status of an init.d script?  In Mandrake the
> > technique is to use:
> >
> > /etc/init.d/scriptname status
> >
> > and read the standard output.  Unfortunately none of the scripts in
> > init.d seem to support the "status" command line option.  Any ideas on
> > how to retrieve the current status of an init.d script in Kubuntu?
> I think you will need to ask on ubuntu-devel for that, I can't see any
> easy way to do either unfortunatly.
> Jonathan Riddell

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