Kubuntu Documentation

Rajeev J Sebastian rajeev_jsv at dinamis.com
Sun Jul 3 11:13:41 CDT 2005

On Sunday 03 July 2005 10:26 am, Christoph Wiesen wrote:
> Am Sonntag 03 Juli 2005 17:46 schrieb Rajeev J Sebastian:
> > On Sunday 03 July 2005 9:43 am, Sean Wheller wrote:
> > > On Saturday 02 July 2005 10:19, Sean Wheller wrote:
> > > > (http://lnix.net/~froud//deb/kubuntu-docs_0.1-0_all.deb).
> > >
> > > Please note that the above URL will change as the package name changes
> > > in order to be conformant to the package naming conventions of the
> > > project.
> > >
> > > http://lnix.net/~froud//deb/kubuntu-docs_0.1-0ubuntu1_all.deb
> >
> > Could someone explain what the "0ubuntu1" means in the name above ? 0.1 i
> > think is the version of the upstream package ??
> >
> > Rajeev J Sebastian
> Until an actual dev steps up I'll try to explain:
> It's common to have some changes in a package even when there is no new
> upstream version.
> So when a package gets an update specific to the debian package (not found
> in the upstream version) this revision number (here the -0) is increased.
> The thing about the ubuntu1 is that there has been a change that is not
> only specific to the package (read: nothing changed upstream), but that is
> specific to the ubuntu package as well - so there has not been a change in
> the basic debian package either.
> This is to allow some sort of compatibility with original debian packages.
> Thus when there is a more widespread (debian) change in the package itself
> the first numer (0 in 0ubuntu1) is increased and has priority above any
> prior version that still has 0ubtuntuX - even if it has a very high
> "minor-minor" version number, like 0ubuntu9.
Ok. That seems logical. I am trying to package something for kubuntu ... so I 
would do something like:
packagename-version-0ubuntu0.deb ?

Rajeev J Sebastian

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