Quetions on installing dapper

Jonathan Jesse jjesse at iserv.net
Wed Dec 28 03:35:44 GMT 2005

Is there a reason that dapper now tries to connect to download a mirror of the 
Ubuntu archive?  If this is going to be the way future installes will go I 
think it is a huge dis-service to those that do not have high speed internet 
or are trying to install the system on a box that is not connected to the 
internet at all.

I am a dial-up user, at what part does dapper then install the correct modem 
and when do you configure what phone # and username/password information?

I was just trying to setup a test box that was not connected at all to the 
internet, doesn't have a modem in it.  I have to install it through "expert" 
mode, something I can do myself, but what about the common every day user you 
want to setup Dapper on?  THis is a HUGE issue that needs to be addressed 
before the final release.

Thanks for listening to my rant,


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