October 2016 Archives by author
Starting: Sat Oct 1 05:51:31 UTC 2016
Ending: Mon Oct 31 21:26:45 UTC 2016
Messages: 501
- [Bug 1630309] Re: plasma panel auto hide - panel disappears and does not come back
Timo Aaltonen
- [Bug 1243733]
Néstor Acevedo
- [Bug 1460417] Re: PNM support missing
- [Bug 1460417] Re: PNM support missing
- [Bug 1577213] Re: qtcreator freezes and crashes all the time
- [Bug 1637289] [NEW] package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/www.facebook.com.conf', which is also in package account-plugin-facebook 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
- [Bug 1630562] [NEW] Okular multipage option doesn't work with pdf printer
- [Bug 1637842] [NEW] package kde-config-telepathy-accounts (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/accounts/services/google-im.service', which is also in package account-plugin-google 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
- [Bug 1637844] [NEW] package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/www.facebook.com.conf', which is also in package account-plugin-facebook 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
- [Bug 1460133] Re: muon-updater hangs with "Waiting for configuration file" on debconf question
- [Bug 1380480] Re: network disabled after suspend - resume
Seth Arnold
- [Bug 1637389] [NEW] package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/accounts.google.com.conf', which is also in package account-plugin-google 0.13+16.10.20160929.1-0ubuntu1
Edward P. Azar
- [Bug 1633684] [NEW] Package conflict between kde-cli-tools-data4%3a5.5.5-0ubuntu1.1_all and kde-l10n-th 4:4.10.97-0ubuntu1 tries to overwrite file /usr/share/locale/th/LC_MESSAGES/kmimetypefinder.mo
Robert Bachmeier
- [Bug 1635888] [NEW] package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/www.facebook.com.conf', which is also in package account-plugin-facebook 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
Richard Bernard
- [Bug 1632940] [NEW] sddm-greeter crashes on monitor disconnect
Bernie Bernstein
- [Bug 1626220] Re: please remove openjpeg
Jeremy Bicha
- [Bug 1538098] Re: Please update Calligra to 2.9.10
Jeremy Bicha
- [Bug 1627348] Re: Live DVD boots to black screen with mouse pointer
Lars Bischoff
- [Bug 1627348] Re: Live DVD boots to black screen with mouse pointer
Lars Bischoff
- [Bug 1634250] [NEW] KMahjongg: dependency missing to kdegames-mahjongg-data-kf5
Lars Bischoff
- [Bug 1614308] Re: kwin crashes when booting from Kubuntu 16.04 32bit Live-DVD
Lars Bischoff
- [Bug 1633721] [NEW] Weird input behaviour in some Plasma stuff (Kicker, KRunner, privilege window)
Ilya Bizyaev
- [Bug 1633721] Re: Weird input behaviour in some Plasma stuff (Kicker, KRunner, privilege window)
Ilya Bizyaev
- [Bug 1633721] Re: Weird input behaviour in some Plasma stuff (Kicker, KRunner, privilege window)
Ilya Bizyaev
- [Bug 1633721] Re: Weird input behaviour in some Plasma stuff (Kicker, KRunner, privilege window)
Ilya Bizyaev
- [Bug 1633721] Re: Weird input behaviour in some Plasma stuff (Kicker, KRunner, privilege window)
Ilya Bizyaev
- [Bug 1633721] Re: Weird input behaviour in some Plasma stuff (Kicker, KRunner, privilege window)
Ilya Bizyaev
- [Bug 1636642] [NEW] Upgrade 16.10 problem: only background and pointer after login
Pierre Blanche
- [Bug 1478322]
- [Bug 1635947] [NEW] package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/www.facebook.com.conf', which is also in package account-plugin-facebook 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
Jansie Blom
- [Bug 1322968] Re: Changing country leads to invalid locale
Achim Bohnet
- [Bug 1629636] [NEW] kdeinit5 crashed with SIGSEGV
Laurent Bonnaud
- [Bug 1630700] Re: CVE - KMail - HTML injection in plain text viewer
Ubuntu Foundations Team Bug Bot
- [Bug 1631739] Re: ktouch way too slow
Ubuntu Foundations Team Bug Bot
- [Bug 1635499] Re: KBookmarks cause crash on exit in QFileDialog is used
Ubuntu Foundations Team Bug Bot
- [Bug 1634389] Re: Desktop icons losing text after suspend
Steven Brown
- [Bug 1634565] [NEW] konsole badly broken in yakkety: crashes, leaves process behind on exit using 100% cpu
Sergio Callegari
- [Bug 1634565] Re: konsole badly broken in yakkety: crashes, leaves process behind on exit using 100% cpu
Sergio Callegari
- [Bug 1634565] Re: konsole badly broken in yakkety: crashes, leaves process behind on exit using 100% cpu
Sergio Callegari
- [Bug 1632848] [NEW] Fix search on yakkety
Albert Astals Cid
- [Bug 1632848] Re: [SRU] Fix search on yakkety
Albert Astals Cid
- [Bug 1635510] [NEW] b comes before t in the alphabet, breaks inotify
Mathieu Comandon
- [Bug 1635595] [NEW] package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/www.facebook.com.conf', which is also in package account-plugin-facebook 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
Andres Corrada
- [Bug 1632616] Re: firefox missing from Kubuntu YY ISO
Chris Coulson
- [Bug 1546373] Re: Please update to 1.11
Matteo Cypriani
- [Bug 1636316] Re: [sync request] libtaglib in Debian is newer/better than in Zesty
Matteo Cypriani
- [Bug 1546373] Re: Please update to 1.11
Matteo Cypriani
- [Bug 1511503] Re: digikam: geolocation gone
- [Bug 1510760] Re: gpssync plugin missing from kipi-plugins in 15.10, 16.04 and 16.10
- [Bug 1631633] [NEW] package kde-config-telepathy-accounts (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/accounts/services/google-im.service', which is also in package account-plugin-google 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
Steven Danderson
- [Bug 1631634] [NEW] package kde-config-telepathy-accounts (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/accounts/services/google-im.service', which is also in package account-plugin-google 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
Steven Danderson
- [Bug 1631635] [NEW] package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/www.facebook.com.conf', which is also in package account-plugin-facebook 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
Steven Danderson
- [Bug 1637610] [NEW] baloo_file_extractor crashes whenever the index exceeds 5G in size
Vincas Dargis
- [Bug 1635758] Re: package kdeconnect-plasma (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/xdg/autostart/kdeconnectd.desktop', which is also in package kdeconnect 1.0.1-0ubuntu1
- [Bug 1561823] Re: kdeconnectd crashed with SIGSEGV in QIODevice::readAll()
- [Bug 1633721] Re: Weird input behaviour in some Plasma stuff (Kicker, KRunner, privilege window)
- [Bug 1633721] Re: Weird input behaviour in some Plasma stuff (Kicker, KRunner, privilege window)
- [Bug 1633721] Re: Weird input behaviour in some Plasma stuff (Kicker, KRunner, privilege window)
- [Bug 1633721] Re: Weird input behaviour in some Plasma stuff (Kicker, KRunner, privilege window)
- [Bug 1633721] Re: Weird input behaviour in some Plasma stuff (Kicker, KRunner, privilege window)
- [Bug 1380480] Re: network disabled after suspend - resume
Hans Deragon
- [Bug 1629704] Re: konqueror crashed with signal 5 in g_main_context_dispatch()
Marc Deslauriers
- [Bug 1621788] Re: ktp-auth-handler crashed with SIGSEGV in SignOn::Identity::storeCredentials()
Marc Deslauriers
- [Bug 1631237] Re: KMail: HTML injection in plain text viewer
Marc Deslauriers
- [Bug 1630700] Re: CVE - KMail - HTML injection in plain text viewer
Marc Deslauriers
- [Bug 1630700] Re: CVE - KMail - HTML injection in plain text viewer
Marc Deslauriers
- [Bug 1631237] Re: KMail: HTML injection in plain text viewer
Marc Deslauriers
- [Bug 1630700] Re: CVE - KMail - HTML injection in plain text viewer
Marc Deslauriers
- [Bug 1633855] Re: akonadi fails to start after upgrade to yakkety
Marc Deslauriers
- [Bug 1633855] Re: akonadi fails to start after upgrade to yakkety
Marc Deslauriers
- [Bug 1633855] Re: akonadi fails to start after upgrade to yakkety
Marc Deslauriers
- [Bug 1633855] Re: akonadi fails to start after upgrade to yakkety
Marc Deslauriers
- [Bug 1631654] Re: [needs-packaging] Not available in Xenial Xerus (16.04 LTS)
Hans Joachim Desserud
- [Bug 1633819] Re: Some PyQt4 applications fail to start in Yakkety due to missing QtWebKit
Hans Joachim Desserud
- [Bug 1630228] [NEW] package kde-config-telepathy-accounts (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/accounts/services/google-im.service', which is also in package account-plugin-google 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
- [Bug 1633621] [NEW] package libqt4-sql:i386 4:4.8.7+dfsg-5ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: package is in a very bad inconsistent state; you should reinstall it before attempting configuration
Don Dryer
- [Bug 1621005] Re: Lokalize does not work properly in Ubuntu Xenial 16.04
Hannie Dumoleyn
- [Bug 112392]
- [Bug 1627340] Re: [Request Upgrade software-version] SDDM 0.14.0 was released 28th August 2016, contains a huge no. of bugfixes
- [Bug 1629087] Re: package plasma-framework-dev 5.26.0-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/kdevappwizard/templates/cpp-plasmoid.tar.bz2', which is also in package plasma-framework 5.24.0-0ubuntu1
- [Bug 1629087] Re: package plasma-framework-dev 5.26.0-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/kdevappwizard/templates/cpp-plasmoid.tar.bz2', which is also in package plasma-framework 5.24.0-0ubuntu1
- [Bug 1629543] Re: KDE does not start when using lightdm
- [Bug 1627340] Re: [Request Upgrade] SDDM 0.14.0 was released 28th August 2016, contains important bugfixes
- [Bug 1627340] Re: [Request Upgrade] SDDM 0.14.0 was released 28th August 2016, contains important bugfixes
- [Bug 1634250] Re: KMahjongg: dependency missing to kdegames-mahjongg-data-kf5
- [Bug 1634250] Re: KMahjongg: dependency missing to kdegames-mahjongg-data-kf5
- [Bug 1634125] Re: early segfault with Kubuntu 16.10
- [Bug 1559478] Re: [request removal] Xenial: KSnapshot (Qt4) is replaced with KDE-Spectacle (Qt5)
- [Bug 1559478] Re: [request removal] Xenial: KSnapshot (Qt4) is replaced with KDE-Spectacle (Qt5)
- [Bug 1632848] Re: Fix search on yakkety
- [Bug 1633819] Re: Some PyQt4 applications fail to start in Yakkety due to missing QtWebKit
- [Bug 1633819] Re: Some PyQt4 applications fail to start in Yakkety due to missing PyQt4-WebKit
- [Bug 1584612] Re: Mobile broadband requires reboot every time
- [Bug 1532381] Re: SDDM 0.13: kcmsddm shows old preview-picture of Maldives (reported upstream)
- [Bug 1631654] Re: [needs-packaging] Not available in Xenial Xerus (16.04 LTS)
- [Bug 1571688] Re: Remove KDE4 stuff and update to apply to Plasma 5
- [Bug 1559478] Re: [request removal] Xenial: KSnapshot (Qt4) is replaced with KDE-Spectacle (Qt5)
- [Bug 1584612] Re: Mobile broadband requires reboot every time
- [Bug 1631839] Re: Wrong holiday days Egypt
- [Bug 1617564] Re: [master] package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/www.facebook.com.conf', which is also in package account-plugin-facebook 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
- [Bug 1631839] Re: Wrong holiday days Egypt
- [Bug 1635758] Re: package kdeconnect-plasma (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/xdg/autostart/kdeconnectd.desktop', which is also in package kdeconnect 1.0.1-0ubuntu1
- [Bug 1629060] Re: package plasma-workspace (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/xsessions/plasma.desktop', which is also in package lubuntu-extra-sessions 0.47
- [Bug 1635510] Re: b comes before t in the alphabet, breaks inotify
- [Bug 1627340] Re: [request upgrade] SDDM 0.14.0 was released 28th August 2016, contains important bugfixes
- [Bug 1624832] Re: [SRU] AUTORCC-generated resources always out-of-date with Ninja
- [Bug 1631654] Re: [needs-packaging] 'amor' not available in Xenial Xerus (16.04 LTS)
- [Bug 1635756] Re: KDE Partition Manager 2.2.1 needs packaging
- [Bug 1635756] Re: KDE Partition Manager 2.2.1 needs packaging
- [Bug 1635756] Re: KDE Partition Manager 2.2.1 needs packaging
- [Bug 1635758] Re: package kdeconnect-plasma (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/xdg/autostart/kdeconnectd.desktop', which is also in package kdeconnect 1.0.1-0ubuntu1
- [Bug 1634250] Re: KMahjongg: dependency missing to kdegames-mahjongg-data-kf5
- [Bug 1635499] Re: KBookmarks cause crash on program exit if QFileDialog is used
- [Bug 1587076] Re: port kcm configuration module to kf5/qt5
- [Bug 1587076] Re: port kcm configuration module to kf5/qt5
- [Bug 365305] Re: Dolphin: preview this file does nothing
- [Bug 1622089] Re: timezone parser in qt-5.5 breaks KDE clock
- [Bug 1635911] Re: Konversation crashes on quit - please package latest version
- [Bug 1635758] Re: package kdeconnect-plasma (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/xdg/autostart/kdeconnectd.desktop', which is also in package kdeconnect 1.0.1-0ubuntu1
- [Bug 1579436] Re: Version mismatch between kdeconnect and kdeconnect-plasma in Ubuntu Xenial; kdeconnect severely outdated.
- [Bug 1532381] Re: SDDM 0.13: kcmsddm shows old preview-picture of Maldives (reported upstream)
- [Bug 1532381] Re: SDDM 0.13: kcmsddm shows old preview-picture of Maldives (reported upstream)
- [Bug 1561051] Re: Ubiquity-DM dies on Kubuntu images
- [Bug 1624268] Re: pam_mount crashes SDDM because helper doesn't close session after authentication
- [Bug 1624268] Re: pam_mount crashes SDDM because helper doesn't close session after authentication
- [Bug 1546373] Re: Please update to 1.11
- [Bug 1636316] [NEW] [sync request] libtaglib in Debian is newer/better than in Zesty
- [Bug 1546373] Re: Please update to 1.11
- [Bug 1636316] Re: [sync request] libtaglib in Debian is newer/better than in Zesty
- [Bug 1624268] Re: pam_mount crashes SDDM because helper doesn't close session after authentication
- [Bug 1636316] Re: [sync request] libtaglib in Debian is newer/better than in Zesty
- [Bug 1636316] Re: [sync request] libtaglib in Debian is newer/better than in Zesty
- [Bug 1636316] Re: [sync request] taglib (-package) in Debian is newer/better than in Zesty
- [Bug 1582270] Re: sddm only works if plasma.desktop is in /usr/share/xsessions
- [Bug 1538098] Re: Please update Calligra to 2.9.10
- [Bug 1626220] Re: please remove openjpeg
- [Bug 1546373] Re: Please update to 1.11
- [Bug 1546373] Re: Please update to 1.11
- [Bug 1636316] Re: Sync taglib 1.11.1-0.1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)
- [Bug 1546373] Re: Please update to 1.11.1
- [Bug 1634250] Re: KMahjongg: dependency missing to kdegames-mahjongg-data-kf5
- [Bug 1483891] Re: error report on Wily upgrade pam-kwallet
- [Bug 1624268] Re: pam_mount crashes SDDM because helper doesn't close session after authentication
- [Bug 1636670] Re: Impossible to modify the layout of the second screen
- [Bug 1636670] Re: Impossible to modify the layout of the second screen
- [Bug 1636670] Re: Impossible to modify the layout of the second screen
- [Bug 1633855] [NEW] akonadi fails to start after upgrade to yakkety
Marco Gamberoni
- [Bug 1561615] Re: Creating a new document on a screen with 768px height places the 'create' button outside of the screen
Ross Gammon
- [Bug 1561615] Re: Creating a new document on a screen with 768px height places the 'create' button outside of the screen
Ross Gammon
- [Bug 1629543] [NEW] KDE does not start when using lightdm
Thomas Gebert
- [Bug 1629531] [NEW] package kde-config-telepathy-accounts 4:15.12.3-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/accounts/services/google-im.service', which is also in package account-plugin-google 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
Joyce George
- [Bug 1283014] Re: KMail + GPG-Agent with pinentry-kwallet vanishes in background
Thorsten Glaser
- [Bug 310129]
- [Bug 1633710] [NEW] Gwenview gets randomly stuck in full screen
Jose Gómez
- [Bug 1633710] Re: Gwenview gets randomly stuck in full screen
Jose Gómez
- [Bug 1633710] Re: Gwenview gets randomly stuck in full screen
Jose Gómez
- [Bug 1633710] Re: Gwenview gets randomly stuck in full screen
Jose Gómez
- [Bug 1611510] Re: Browse mode does not work due to missing dependencies
Jose Gómez
- [Bug 1605700] Re: Black window when attempting to watch tv
- [Bug 1629788] Re: GUI won't start after upgrade to Kubuntu 16.10 Beta 2
- [Bug 1629788] Re: GUI won't start after upgrade to Kubuntu 16.10 Beta 2
- [Bug 1634553] [NEW] package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: forsøger at overskrive '/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/www.facebook.com.conf', som også er i pakken account-plugin-facebook 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
Lasse Hansen
- [Bug 1617564] Re: package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/www.facebook.com.conf', which is also in package account-plugin-facebook 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
Lasse Hansen
- [Bug 1258422]
Voicu Hodrea
- [Bug 1633819] Re: Some PyQt4 applications fail to start in Yakkety due to missing PyQt4-WebKit
Mathew Hodson
- [Bug 1633819] Re: Some PyQt4 applications fail to start in Yakkety due to missing PyQt4-WebKit
Mathew Hodson
- [Bug 1258422] Re: Maximized windows go under panel if panel attached to screen edge between two monitors
Danny Howard
- [Bug 1546373] Re: Please update to 1.11
Amr Ibrahim
- [Bug 1546373] Re: Please update to 1.11
Amr Ibrahim
- [Bug 1546373] Re: Please update to 1.11.1
Amr Ibrahim
- [Bug 1353988] Re: Taglib causes crash
Amr Ibrahim
- [Bug 1428673] Re: Guayadeque crash while rescanning library
Amr Ibrahim
- [Bug 1434117] Re: guayadeque crashed with SIGSEGV in __memcpy_ia32()
Amr Ibrahim
- [Bug 1435806] Re: guayadeque assert failure: *** Error in `guayadeque': malloc(): memory corruption: 0x09e484b0 ***
Amr Ibrahim
- [Bug 1366317] Re: amarokcollectionscanner crashed with SIGSEGV in TagLib::ByteVector::replace()
Amr Ibrahim
- [Bug 1159905] Re: clementine-tagreader crashed with SIGSEGV in __GI__IO_ftell()
Amr Ibrahim
- [Bug 1493704] Re: ktp-text-ui crash on opening chat with any contact
Andy Igoshin
- [Bug 1636316] Re: [sync request] taglib (-package) in Debian is newer/better than in Zesty
Graham Inggs
- [Bug 1636316] Re: Sync taglib 1.11.1-0.1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)
Graham Inggs
- [Bug 1636316] Re: Sync taglib 1.11.1-0.1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)
Graham Inggs
- [Bug 1635714] [NEW] package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: Versuch, »/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/accounts.google.com.conf« zu überschreiben, welches auch in Paket account-plugin-google 0.13+16.10.20160929.1-0ubuntu1 ist
- [Bug 1630871] [NEW] package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/www.facebook.com.conf', which is also in package account-plugin-facebook 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
- [Bug 1634389] [NEW] Desktop icons losing text after suspend
- [Bug 1630700] Re: CVE - KMail - HTML injection in plain text viewer
Clive Johnston
- [Bug 1630700] Re: CVE - KMail - HTML injection in plain text viewer
Clive Johnston
- [Bug 1630700] Re: CVE - KMail - HTML injection in plain text viewer
Clive Johnston
- [Bug 1630700] Re: CVE - KMail - HTML injection in plain text viewer
Clive Johnston
- [Bug 1632848] Re: Fix search on yakkety
Clive Johnston
- [Bug 1632848] Re: Fix search on yakkety
Clive Johnston
- [Bug 1634125] Re: kajongg – early segfault within Kubuntu 16.10
Clive Johnston
- [Bug 1632848] Re: [SRU] Fix search on yakkety
Clive Johnston
- [Bug 1634125] Re: kajongg – early segfault within Kubuntu 16.10
Clive Johnston
- [Bug 1632848] Re: [SRU] Fix search on yakkety
Clive Johnston
- [Bug 1632848] Re: [SRU] Fix search on yakkety
Clive Johnston
- [Bug 1635758] Re: package kdeconnect-plasma (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/xdg/autostart/kdeconnectd.desktop', which is also in package kdeconnect 1.0.1-0ubuntu1
Clive Johnston
- [Bug 1635758] Re: package kdeconnect-plasma (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/xdg/autostart/kdeconnectd.desktop', which is also in package kdeconnect 1.0.1-0ubuntu1
Clive Johnston
- [Bug 1635758] Re: package kdeconnect-plasma (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/xdg/autostart/kdeconnectd.desktop', which is also in package kdeconnect 1.0.1-0ubuntu1
Clive Johnston
- [Bug 1584395] Re: "Send to device via KDE Connect" does not work in Dolphin
Clive Johnston
- [Bug 1633855] Re: akonadi fails to start after upgrade to yakkety
Clive Johnston
- [Bug 1633855] Re: akonadi fails to start after upgrade to yakkety
Clive Johnston
- [Bug 1629702] [NEW] package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/www.facebook.com.conf', which is also in package account-plugin-facebook 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
Jayre Jones
- [Bug 1474534] Re: Screen Energy Saving and Dim Screen do not work reliably
- [Bug 1474534] Re: Screen Energy Saving and Dim Screen do not work reliably
- [Bug 1556599] Re: ISO images don't have valid partition tables
- [Bug 1556599] Re: ISO images don't have valid partition tables
- [Bug 1636027] [NEW] package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/www.facebook.com.conf', which is also in package account-plugin-facebook 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
- [Bug 112392]
- [Bug 1631237] [NEW] KMail: HTML injection in plain text viewer
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 1631237] Re: KMail: HTML injection in plain text viewer
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 1630700] Re: CVE - KMail - HTML injection in plain text viewer
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 1630700] Re: CVE - KMail - HTML injection in plain text viewer
Scott Kitterman
- [Bug 1510760] Re: gpssync plugin missing from kipi-plugins in 15.10 and 16.04 and 16.10
Julian Klein
- [Bug 1628715] Re: Kf5 based apps do not reliably storeSession and performLegacySessionSave
Con Kolivas
- [Bug 1584612] Re: Mobile broadband requires reboot every time
Con Kolivas
- [Bug 1584612] Re: Mobile broadband requires reboot every time
Con Kolivas
- [Bug 1584612] Re: Mobile broadband requires reboot every time
Con Kolivas
- [Bug 1584612] Re: Mobile broadband requires reboot every time
Con Kolivas
- [Bug 1632489] [NEW] KDE crash handler thinks debug symbols are not installed
Joshua Kugler
- [Bug 1637696] [NEW] package kde-config-telepathy-accounts (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/accounts/services/google-im.service', which is also in package account-plugin-google 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
Prateek Kumar
- [Bug 1637867] [NEW] package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/www.facebook.com.conf', which is also in package account-plugin-facebook 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
Prateek Kumar
- [Bug 1226962] Re: Hotkeys not functional in non-latin keyboard layout
Ivan Larionov
- [Bug 521533]
Niels Elgaard Larsen
- [Bug 1635613] Re: [3.6.2 zesty] regression: include could not find load file: EnableCoverageReport
- [Bug 1635613] Re: [3.6.2 zesty] regression: include could not find load file: EnableCoverageReport
- [Bug 1637644] [NEW] LAPTOP stopped detecting LAN cable
Swati Lodha
- [Bug 1635262] [NEW] package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/www.facebook.com.conf', which is also in package account-plugin-facebook 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
John Logsdon
- [Bug 1597862] Re: package kde-config-telepathy-accounts (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: опит за презапис на '/usr/share/accounts/services/google-im.service', съществуващ вече и в пакета account-plugin-google 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
Alberto Mardegan
- [Bug 1622089] Re: timezone parser in qt-5.5 breaks KDE clock
- [Bug 998012] Re: librecad, qtiplot (among others) crash with "ASSERT failure in : "Got an update for an invalid inteface. Investigate this.", file atspiadaptor.cpp, line 899
Oliver Meier
- [Bug 1359689] Re: cryptsetup password prompt not shown
Kevin Meyer
- [Bug 1478322]
Rik Mills
- [Bug 1625392] Re: [FFe] KDE Frameworks 5.26.0 into the Yakkety Archive
Rik Mills
- [Bug 1632616] Re: firefox missing from Kubuntu YY ISO
Rik Mills
- [Bug 1632616] Re: firefox missing from Kubuntu YY ISO
Rik Mills
- [Bug 1625756] Re: [FFe] KDE Applications into the Yakkety archive (including KDEpim)
Rik Mills
- [Bug 1593258] Re: 16.10 KDE Daily Ubiquity Crash
Rik Mills
- [Bug 1625148] Re: package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/accounts.google.com.conf', which is also in package account-plugin-google 0.13+16.10.20160830.1-0ubuntu1
Rik Mills
- [Bug 1629623] Re: package kaccounts-providers 4:15.12.3-0ubuntu1 [modified: usr/share/accounts/providers/google.provider] failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/accounts.google.com.conf', which is also in package account-plugin-google 0.13+16.10.20160831-0ubuntu1
Rik Mills
- [Bug 1633752] Re: package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: próba nadpisania "/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/accounts.google.com.conf", który istnieje także w pakiecie account-plugin-google 0.13+16.10.20160929.1-0ubuntu1
Rik Mills
- [Bug 1633759] Re: package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/accounts.google.com.conf', which is also in package account-plugin-google 0.13+16.10.20160929.1-0ubuntu1
Rik Mills
- [Bug 1621958] Re: package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: intentando sobreescribir `/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/www.facebook.com.conf', que está también en el paquete account-plugin-facebook 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
Rik Mills
- [Bug 1622144] Re: package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: intentando sobreescribir `/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/www.facebook.com.conf', que está también en el paquete account-plugin-facebook 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
Rik Mills
- [Bug 1623329] Re: package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: попытка перезаписать «/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/www.facebook.com.conf», который уже имеется в пакете account-plugin-facebook 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
Rik Mills
- [Bug 1623696] Re: package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: tentata sovrascrittura di "/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/www.facebook.com.conf" presente anche nel pacchetto account-plugin-facebook 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
Rik Mills
- [Bug 1624461] Re: package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/www.facebook.com.conf', which is also in package account-plugin-facebook 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
Rik Mills
- [Bug 1624307] Re: package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/www.facebook.com.conf', which is also in package account-plugin-facebook 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
Rik Mills
- [Bug 1625051] Re: package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: Versuch, »/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/www.facebook.com.conf« zu überschreiben, welches auch in Paket account-plugin-facebook 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1 ist
Rik Mills
- [Bug 1546373] Re: Please update to 1.11
Rik Mills
- [Bug 1634553] Re: package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: forsøger at overskrive '/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/www.facebook.com.conf', som også er i pakken account-plugin-facebook 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
Rik Mills
- [Bug 1632848] Re: [SRU] Fix search on yakkety
Rik Mills
- [Bug 1632848] Re: [SRU] Fix search on yakkety
Rik Mills
- [Bug 1635595] Re: package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/www.facebook.com.conf', which is also in package account-plugin-facebook 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
Rik Mills
- [Bug 1635714] Re: package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: Versuch, »/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/accounts.google.com.conf« zu überschreiben, welches auch in Paket account-plugin-google 0.13+16.10.20160929.1-0ubuntu1 ist
Rik Mills
- [Bug 1635888] Re: package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/www.facebook.com.conf', which is also in package account-plugin-facebook 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
Rik Mills
- [Bug 1635947] Re: package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/www.facebook.com.conf', which is also in package account-plugin-facebook 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
Rik Mills
- [Bug 1636027] Re: package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/www.facebook.com.conf', which is also in package account-plugin-facebook 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
Rik Mills
- [Bug 1538098] Re: Please update Calligra to 2.9.10
Rik Mills
- [Bug 1637289] Re: package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/www.facebook.com.conf', which is also in package account-plugin-facebook 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
Rik Mills
- [Bug 1637458] Re: package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/www.facebook.com.conf', which is also in package account-plugin-facebook 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
Rik Mills
- [Bug 1637942] [NEW] package kde-config-telepathy-accounts (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/accounts/services/google-im.service', which is also in package account-plugin-google 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
R. Joseph Morris
- [Bug 1637944] [NEW] package kde-config-telepathy-accounts (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/accounts/services/google-im.service', which is also in package account-plugin-google 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
R. Joseph Morris
- [Bug 1629788] Re: GUI won't start after upgrade to Kubuntu 16.10 Beta 2
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1624832] Update Released
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1631654] Re: [needs-packaging] Not available in Xenial Xerus (16.04 LTS)
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1631813] Re: Problem with accented characters and QT applications
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1634125] Re: early segfault with Kubuntu 16.10
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1635756] Re: [needs-packaging] KDE Partition Manager 2.2.1 needs packaging
Brian Murray
- [Bug 1634125] Re: kajongg – early segfault within Kubuntu 16.10
Philip Muškovac
- [Bug 1632848] Re: Fix search on yakkety
Philip Muškovac
- [Bug 1633855] Re: akonadi fails to start after upgrade to yakkety
Philip Muškovac
- [Bug 1633855] Re: akonadi fails to start after upgrade to yakkety
Philip Muškovac
- [Bug 1634478] [NEW] module "QtQuick.Controls" is not installed
- [Bug 1569270] Re: kactivitymanage segfault (libQt5Sql.so.5.4.2) when running nomachines in KDE (other desktops work)
Jonathan Neufeld
- [Bug 205090] Re: Bad default ls colors for directories
- [Bug 1581897] Re: kcm_kscreen.desktop file does not exist
Nicolai Nielsen
- [Bug 1530523] Re: kcm_driver_manager: Infinitely shows Collecting information
Sami Nieminen
- [Bug 1625051] Re: package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: Versuch, »/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/www.facebook.com.conf« zu überschreiben, welches auch in Paket account-plugin-facebook 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1 ist
Alberto Salvia Novella
- [Bug 1594105] Re: package libqt4-sql:i386 4:4.8.7+dfsg-5ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: package is in a very bad inconsistent state; you should reinstall it before attempting configuration
Alberto Salvia Novella
- [Bug 1622378] Re: package libqtcore4 (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite shared '/etc/xdg/Trolltech.conf', which is different from other instances of package libqtcore4:amd64
Alberto Salvia Novella
- [Bug 1623329] Re: package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: попытка перезаписать «/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/www.facebook.com.conf», который уже имеется в пакете account-plugin-facebook 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
Alberto Salvia Novella
- [Bug 1578157] Re: package kde-config-telepathy-accounts (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: intentando sobreescribir `/usr/share/accounts/services/google-im.service', que está también en el paquete account-plugin-google 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1 dpm
Alberto Salvia Novella
- [Bug 1588937] Re: package kde-config-telepathy-accounts (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: Versuch, »/usr/share/accounts/services/google-im.service« zu überschreiben, welches auch in Paket account-plugin-google 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1 ist
Alberto Salvia Novella
- [Bug 1617574] Re: package kde-config-telepathy-accounts (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: a tentar sobre-escrever '/usr/share/accounts/services/google-im.service', que também está no pacote account-plugin-google 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
Alberto Salvia Novella
- [Bug 1624038] Re: kdenlive: can't move second clip after ungrouping
Alberto Salvia Novella
- [Bug 1561615] Re: Creating a new document on a screen with 768px height places the 'create' button outside of the screen
Alberto Salvia Novella
- [Bug 1621958] Re: package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: intentando sobreescribir `/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/www.facebook.com.conf', que está también en el paquete account-plugin-facebook 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
Alberto Salvia Novella
- [Bug 1508619] Re: package plasma-workspace (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying overwrite file „/usr/share/xsessions/plasma.desktop“, which is also installed from package lubuntu-extra-sessions 0.44
Marek Novotny
- [Bug 1633819] [NEW] Some PyQt4 applications fail to start in Yakkety due to missing QtWebKit
David Oftedal
- [Bug 1633819] Re: Some PyQt4 applications fail to start in Yakkety due to missing QtWebKit
David Oftedal
- [Bug 1633819] Re: Some PyQt4 applications fail to start in Yakkety due to missing QtWebKit
David Oftedal
- [Bug 1633819] Re: Some PyQt4 applications fail to start in Yakkety due to missing QtWebKit
David Oftedal
- [Bug 1633819] Re: Some PyQt4 applications fail to start in Yakkety due to missing QtWebKit
David Oftedal
- [Bug 1633819] Re: Some PyQt4 applications fail to start in Yakkety due to missing PyQt4-WebKit
David Oftedal
- [Bug 1633819] Re: Some PyQt4 applications fail to start in Yakkety due to missing PyQt4-WebKit
David Oftedal
- [Bug 1633819] Re: Some PyQt4 applications fail to start in Yakkety due to missing PyQt4-WebKit
David Oftedal
- [Bug 1631246] [NEW] package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: a tentar sobre-escrever '/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/api.twitter.com.conf', que também está no pacote account-plugin-twitter 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
Emerson Novais Oliveira
- [Bug 978621] Re: Disc looks blank after successful burn
Saravanan S PAJANCOA
- [Bug 1638109] [NEW] package kde-config-telepathy-accounts (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/accounts/services/google-im.service', which is also in package account-plugin-google 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
- [Bug 1632616] Re: firefox missing from Kubuntu YY ISO
Marco Parillo
- [Bug 1633748] [NEW] Kate does not use standard kdialog when invoked by kdesudo
Marco Parillo
- [Bug 1633748] Re: Kate does not use standard kdialog when invoked by kdesudo
Marco Parillo
- [Bug 1633748] Re: Kate does not use standard kdialog when invoked by kdesudo
Marco Parillo
- [Bug 1630428] [NEW] Attempting to install kubuntu-desktop while using unity.
Jeremiah Peschka
- [Bug 1633819] Re: Some PyQt4 applications fail to start in Yakkety due to missing QtWebKit
Rasmus Underbjerg Pinnerup
- [Bug 1633819] Re: Some PyQt4 applications fail to start in Yakkety due to missing PyQt4-WebKit
Rasmus Underbjerg Pinnerup
- [Bug 1633819] Re: Some PyQt4 applications fail to start in Yakkety due to missing PyQt4-WebKit
Rasmus Underbjerg Pinnerup
- [Bug 1632848] Re: [SRU] Fix search on yakkety
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 1635613] [NEW] [3.6.2 zesty] regression: include could not find load file: EnableCoverageReport
Martin Pitt
- [Bug 1636655] Re: Ark no longer opens rar files in 16.10
The Punisher
- [Bug 1556599] Re: ISO images don't have valid partition tables
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1630700] Re: CVE - KMail - HTML injection in plain text viewer
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1627340] Re: [Request Upgrade software-version] SDDM 0.14.0 was released 28th August 2016, contains important bugfixes
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1627340] Re: [request upgrade] SDDM 0.14.0 was released 28th August 2016, contains important bugfixes
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1435321] Re: [upstream] keyboard focus not in password field
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1624268] Re: pam_mount crashes SDDM because helper doesn't close session after authentication
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1532381] Re: SDDM 0.13: kcmsddm shows old preview-picture of Maldives (reported upstream)
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1435321] Re: [upstream] keyboard focus not in password field
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1624268] Re: pam_mount crashes SDDM because helper doesn't close session after authentication
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1546373] Re: Please update to 1.11
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1546373] Re: Please update to 1.11
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1546373] Re: Please update to 1.11
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1546373] Re: Please update to 1.11
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1636670] [NEW] Impossible to modify the layout of the second screen
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1636670] Re: Impossible to modify the layout of the second screen
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1636670] Re: Impossible to modify the layout of the second screen
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1546373] Re: Please update to 1.11.1
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1636670] Re: Impossible to modify the layout of the second screen
Simon Quigley
- [Bug 1632943] [NEW] package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/www.facebook.com.conf', which is also in package account-plugin-facebook 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
- [Bug 1633750] [NEW] installation crashed after partitioning stage
Byron Ratliff
- [Bug 1536528] Re: Conflict when updating due to a clash between libpam-kwallet and pam-kwallet and between libdiscovercommon and libmuon
Michael Rawlins
- [Bug 1632000] [NEW] DPMS disabled when amazon.com is open in Chrome
James Ring
- [Bug 1632000] Re: DPMS disabled when amazon.com is open in Chrome
James Ring
- [Bug 1530523] Re: kcm_driver_manager: Infinitely shows Collecting information
Thorsten Rochelmeyer
- [Bug 1530523] Re: kcm_driver_manager: Infinitely shows Collecting information
Thorsten Rochelmeyer
- [Bug 1634125] [NEW] early segfault with Kubuntu 16.10
Wolfgang Rohdewald
- [Bug 1634125] Re: kajongg – early segfault within Kubuntu 16.10
Wolfgang Rohdewald
- [Bug 1437846] Re: akonadi mysql 5.6 crash with signal 11
Bas Roufs
- [Bug 1633759] [NEW] package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/accounts.google.com.conf', which is also in package account-plugin-google 0.13+16.10.20160929.1-0ubuntu1
Bogdan S
- [Bug 1359689] Re: cryptsetup password prompt not shown
- [Bug 1359689] Re: cryptsetup password prompt not shown
- [Bug 351712]
- [Bug 1622089] Re: timezone parser in qt-5.5 breaks KDE clock
Dmitry Shachnev
- [Bug 1450068] Re: Icons missing in Plasma/KDE after upgrade to Ubuntu 15.04
Alan De Smet
- [Bug 1633781] [NEW] package libqtcore4 4:4.8.7+dfsg-5ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite shared '/etc/xdg/Trolltech.conf', which is different from other instances of package libqtcore4:i386
Mauricio Morilha Sokal
- [Bug 1624832] Re: [SRU] AUTORCC-generated resources always out-of-date with Ninja
Elvis Stansvik
- [Bug 1634933] [NEW] package plasma-workspace (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: Versuch, »/usr/share/xsessions/plasma.desktop« zu überschreiben, welches auch in Paket lubuntu-extra-sessions 0.47 ist
- [Bug 1633855] Re: akonadi fails to start after upgrade to yakkety
Lars Tangvald
- [Bug 1633855] Re: akonadi fails to start after upgrade to yakkety
Lars Tangvald
- [Bug 1636615] [NEW] Gnome/GTK Tooltips Invisible until "Apply colours to non-QT applications" is deselected
Chris Taylor
- [Bug 1636096] [NEW] [16.10] Kmail has a dependency on kdepim-addons
Ferry Toth
- [Bug 1636096] Re: [16.10] Kmail has a dependency on kdepim-addons
Ferry Toth
- [Bug 1629087] Re: package plasma-framework-dev 5.26.0-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/kdevappwizard/templates/cpp-plasmoid.tar.bz2', which is also in package plasma-framework 5.24.0-0ubuntu1
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1359689] [NEW] cryptsetup password prompt not shown
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1629788] [NEW] GUI won't start after upgrade to Kubuntu 16.10 Beta 2
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1624832] Re: [SRU] AUTORCC-generated resources always out-of-date with Ninja
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1594105] Re: package libqt4-sql:i386 4:4.8.7+dfsg-5ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: package is in a very bad inconsistent state; you should reinstall it before attempting configuration
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1622378] Re: package libqtcore4 (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite shared '/etc/xdg/Trolltech.conf', which is different from other instances of package libqtcore4:amd64
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1630309] [NEW] plasma panel auto hide - panel disappears and does not come back
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1624038] Re: kdenlive: can't move second clip after ungrouping
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1271451] Re: interoperability problem between libspectre 0.2.7 and ghostscript >9.05
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1271451] Re: interoperability problem between libspectre 0.2.7 and ghostscript >9.05
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1630700] Re: CVE - KMail - HTML injection in plain text viewer
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1631813] [NEW] Problem with accented characters and QT applications
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1521695] Re: KOrganizer does not store Holiday & Working Period settings
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1631839] [NEW] Wrong holiday days Egypt
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1625148] Re: package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/accounts.google.com.conf', which is also in package account-plugin-google 0.13+16.10.20160830.1-0ubuntu1
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1632616] [NEW] firefox missing from Kubuntu YY ISO
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1632616] Re: firefox missing from Kubuntu YY ISO
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1631237] Re: KMail: HTML injection in plain text viewer
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1621958] Re: package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: intentando sobreescribir `/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/www.facebook.com.conf', que está también en el paquete account-plugin-facebook 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1610075] Re: kubuntu-driver-manager application opens to show nothing
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1633855] Re: akonadi fails to start after upgrade to yakkety
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1634125] Re: early segfault with Kubuntu 16.10
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1633721] [NEW] Weird input behaviour in some Plasma stuff (Kicker, KRunner, privilege window)
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1621788] Re: ktp-auth-handler crashed with SIGSEGV in SignOn::Identity::storeCredentials()
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1633721] Re: Weird input behaviour in some Plasma stuff (Kicker, KRunner, privilege window)
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1634250] Re: KMahjongg: dependency missing to kdegames-mahjongg-data-kf5
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1622089] [NEW] timezone parser in qt-5.5 breaks KDE clock
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1634565] Re: konsole badly broken in yakkety: crashes, leaves process behind on exit using 100% cpu
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1633819] Re: Some PyQt4 applications fail to start in Yakkety due to missing QtWebKit
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1632848] Re: Fix search on yakkety
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1622480] Re: QtQuick1 removal from archives
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1632000] Re: DPMS disabled when amazon.com is open in Chrome
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1616372] Re: [FFe] cmake 3.6.2
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1632848] Re: [SRU] Fix search on yakkety
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1635613] Re: [3.6.2 zesty] regression: include could not find load file: EnableCoverageReport
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1633819] Re: Some PyQt4 applications fail to start in Yakkety due to missing PyQt4-WebKit
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1635756] Re: KDE Partition Manager 2.2.1 needs packaging
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1587076] Re: port kcm configuration module to kf5/qt5
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1592668] Re: plasmashell is eating 100% cpu and all UI is slow
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1633721] Re: Weird input behaviour in some Plasma stuff (Kicker, KRunner, privilege window)
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1633721] Re: Weird input behaviour in some Plasma stuff (Kicker, KRunner, privilege window)
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1636313] [NEW] [sync request] libdrumstick version in Debian is newer than in Zesty
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1582270] [NEW] sddm only works if plasma.desktop is in /usr/share/xsessions
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1626220] [NEW] please remove openjpeg
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1508619] Re: package plasma-workspace (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying overwrite file „/usr/share/xsessions/plasma.desktop“, which is also installed from package lubuntu-extra-sessions 0.44
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1636655] Re: Ark no longer opens rar files in 16.10
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1633855] Re: akonadi fails to start after upgrade to yakkety
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1633855] Re: akonadi fails to start after upgrade to yakkety
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1633855] Re: akonadi fails to start after upgrade to yakkety
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1633855] Re: akonadi fails to start after upgrade to yakkety
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1633855] Re: akonadi fails to start after upgrade to yakkety
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1633855] Re: akonadi fails to start after upgrade to yakkety
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1633855] Re: akonadi fails to start after upgrade to yakkety
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1460417] Re: PNM support missing
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1619183] Re: package libqtcore4 4:4.8.7+dfsg-5ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: intentando sobreescribir el compartido `/etc/xdg/Trolltech.conf', que es distinto de otras instancias del paquetes libqtcore4:i386
Launchpad Bug Tracker
- [Bug 1631839] Re: Wrong holiday days Egypt
Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre
- [Bug 1631044] Re: KDE Telepathy not installable on Ubuntu Desktop 16.04
- [Bug 1637884] [NEW] Alternating MP3-settings dialogue
- [Bug 1637884] Re: Alternating MP3-settings dialogue
- [Bug 1637884] Re: Alternating MP3-settings dialogue
- [Bug 1369111] Re: baloo_file_extractor crashed with SIGSEGV in memcpy()
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1546373] Re: Please update to 1.11
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1338973] Re: scrolling unusable, touchpad too sensitive
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1561615] Re: Creating a new document on a screen with 768px height places the 'create' button outside of the screen
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1559256] Re: Packagesearch-> kdeconnect Project-Homepage-link throws 404
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 112392] Re: Akregator article counts are often wrong
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1633819] Re: Some PyQt4 applications fail to start in Yakkety due to missing PyQt4-WebKit
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1546373] Re: Please update to 1.11
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1636096] Re: [16.10] Kmail has a dependency on kdepim-addons
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1546373] Re: Please update to 1.11
Bug Watch Updater
- [Bug 1530523] Re: kcm_driver_manager: Infinitely shows Collecting information
Roy Walmsley
- [Bug 1547901] Re: kwin crashes randomly
Michael F Winthrop
- [Bug 1627348] Re: Live DVD boots to black screen with mouse pointer
- [Bug 1627348] Re: Live DVD boots to black screen with mouse pointer
- [Bug 1627348] Re: Live DVD boots to black screen with mouse pointer
- [Bug 1627348] Re: Live DVD boots to black screen with mouse pointer
- [Bug 1627348] Re: Live DVD boots to black screen with mouse pointer
- [Bug 1627348] Re: Live DVD boots to black screen with mouse pointer
- [Bug 1636655] [NEW] Ark no longer opens rar files in 16.10
Lutz Wrage
- [Bug 1634507] [NEW] package cantor-backend-lua (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: 正试图覆盖 /etc/xdg/cantor_lua.knsrc,它同时被包含于软件包 cantor 4:16.04.3-0ubuntu1
Fuming Ying
- [Bug 1635758] [NEW] package kdeconnect-plasma (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/xdg/autostart/kdeconnectd.desktop', which is also in package kdeconnect 1.0.1-0ubuntu1
David Zagorsky
- [Bug 1635758] Re: package kdeconnect-plasma (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/xdg/autostart/kdeconnectd.desktop', which is also in package kdeconnect 1.0.1-0ubuntu1
Valorie Zimmerman
- [Bug 1635911] [NEW] Konversation crashes on quit - please package latest version
Valorie Zimmerman
- [Bug 1631739] [NEW] ktouch way too slow
- [Bug 1631739] Re: ktouch way too slow
- [Bug 1631739] Re: ktouch way too slow
- [Bug 1631654] [NEW] Not available in Xenial Xerus (16.04 LTS)
- [Bug 1631654] Re: [needs-packaging] Not available in Xenial Xerus (16.04 LTS)
- [Bug 1631654] Re: [needs-packaging] Not available in Xenial Xerus (16.04 LTS)
- [Bug 1509562] Re: no icons for menu, folders, directories, files
- [Bug 1509562] Re: no icons for menu, folders, directories, files
- [Bug 1509562] Re: no icons for menu, folders, directories, files
- [Bug 1509562] Re: no icons for menu, folders, directories, files
- [Bug 1632888] [NEW] /usr/bin/qtcreator:11:initFontUnlocked:QGuiApplication::font:QFont::QFont:QWidgetData::QWidgetData:QWidgetPrivate::QWidgetPrivate
errors.ubuntu.com bug bridge
- [Bug 1633258] [NEW] /usr/bin/kate:11:xcb_setup_vendor_end:xcb_setup_pixmap_formats:find_format_by_depth:xcb_image_native:xcb_image_shm_put
errors.ubuntu.com bug bridge
- [Bug 1624268] Re: pam_mount crashes SDDM because helper doesn't close session after authentication
- [Bug 1624268] Re: pam_mount crashes SDDM because helper doesn't close session after authentication
- [Bug 1584604] Re: Slow login to kde5 waiting on breeze splash
- [Bug 1577213] Re: qtcreator freezes and crashes all the time
- [Bug 1637746] [NEW] package kde-config-telepathy-accounts (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: intentando sobreescribir `/usr/share/accounts/services/google-im.service', que está también en el paquete account-plugin-google 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
- [Bug 1630710] [NEW] kdenlive display error - controls beneath "clip monitor" gone
- [Bug 1636869] [NEW] Plasmashell polling on zero timeout
- [Bug 1633451] [NEW] package kde-config-telepathy-accounts (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/accounts/services/google-im.service', which is also in package account-plugin-google 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
- [Bug 1322968] Re: Changing country leads to invalid locale
- [Bug 1359689] Re: cryptsetup password prompt not shown
- [Bug 1635499] [NEW] KBookmarks cause crash on exit in QFileDialog is used
- [Bug 1635499] Re: KBookmarks cause crash on exit in QFileDialog is used
- [Bug 1635499] Re: KBookmarks cause crash on program exit if QFileDialog is used
- [Bug 1633752] [NEW] package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: próba nadpisania "/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/accounts.google.com.conf", który istnieje także w pakiecie account-plugin-google 0.13+16.10.20160929.1-0ubuntu1
- [Bug 1585611] Re: saving file in umbrello not working on Ubuntu 16.04
askri nasredinne
- [Bug 1637458] [NEW] package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/www.facebook.com.conf', which is also in package account-plugin-facebook 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
- [Bug 1448102] Re: Kubuntu 15.04: plasmashell crashes
- [Bug 1637852] [NEW] kwin effect greys quarter of screen
- [Bug 1637853] [NEW] sddm swallows first keypress after resume
- [Bug 1629623] [NEW] package kaccounts-providers 4:15.12.3-0ubuntu1 [modified: usr/share/accounts/providers/google.provider] failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/accounts.google.com.conf', which is also in package account-plugin-google 0.13+16.10.20160831-0ubuntu1
- [Bug 1474807] Re: KDE 5: Keyboard and mouse settings not applied after re-plugging device or after suspend/resume cycle
- [Bug 1629623] Re: package kaccounts-providers 4:15.12.3-0ubuntu1 [modified: usr/share/accounts/providers/google.provider] failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/accounts.google.com.conf', which is also in package account-plugin-google 0.13+16.10.20160831-0ubuntu1
Apport retracing service
- [Bug 1629636]
Apport retracing service
- [Bug 1629636] Stacktrace.txt
Apport retracing service
- [Bug 1629636] StacktraceSource.txt
Apport retracing service
- [Bug 1629636] ThreadStacktrace.txt
Apport retracing service
- [Bug 1629636] Crash report cannot be processed
Apport retracing service
- [Bug 1629702] Re: package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/www.facebook.com.conf', which is also in package account-plugin-facebook 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
Apport retracing service
- [Bug 1630428] Re: Attempting to install kubuntu-desktop while using unity.
Apport retracing service
- [Bug 1630871] Re: package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/www.facebook.com.conf', which is also in package account-plugin-facebook 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
Apport retracing service
- [Bug 1631635] Re: package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/www.facebook.com.conf', which is also in package account-plugin-facebook 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
Apport retracing service
- [Bug 1631792] Re: package kio-extras-data 4:15.12.3-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: tentata sovrascrittura di "/usr/share/kservices5/activities.protocol" presente anche nel pacchetto kactivities 5.18.0-0ubuntu1
Apport retracing service
- [Bug 1632328] Re: kglobalaccel5 crashed with SIGABRT in QMessageLogger::fatal()
Apport retracing service
- [Bug 1632943] Re: package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/www.facebook.com.conf', which is also in package account-plugin-facebook 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
Apport retracing service
- [Bug 1633621] Re: package libqt4-sql:i386 4:4.8.7+dfsg-5ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: package is in a very bad inconsistent state; you should reinstall it before attempting configuration
Apport retracing service
- [Bug 1633759] Re: package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/accounts.google.com.conf', which is also in package account-plugin-google 0.13+16.10.20160929.1-0ubuntu1
Apport retracing service
- [Bug 1633781] Re: package libqtcore4 4:4.8.7+dfsg-5ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite shared '/etc/xdg/Trolltech.conf', which is different from other instances of package libqtcore4:i386
Apport retracing service
- [Bug 1635262] Re: package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/www.facebook.com.conf', which is also in package account-plugin-facebook 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
Apport retracing service
- [Bug 1636655] Re: Ark no longer opens rar files in 16.10
- [Bug 1631792] [NEW] package kio-extras-data 4:15.12.3-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: tentata sovrascrittura di "/usr/share/kservices5/activities.protocol" presente anche nel pacchetto kactivities 5.18.0-0ubuntu1
- [Bug 1529873] Re: gwenview package lacks some dependencies and fails to display pictures
- [Bug 1359689] Re: cryptsetup password prompt not shown
Venkata subramaniam
- [Bug 1359689] Re: cryptsetup password prompt not shown
- [Bug 1359689] Re: cryptsetup password prompt not shown
- [Bug 1449799] Re: no window or icon on kgpg startup
- [Bug 1491691] Re: trying to sign a message often results in blank signed message
- [Bug 1491692] Re: incorrect error message when trying to sign blank message
- [Bug 1633855] Re: akonadi fails to start after upgrade to yakkety
- [Bug 1622499] Re: kaccounts-providers packagepackage kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/accounts.google.com.conf', which is also in package account-plugin-google 0.13+16.04.20160719-0ubuntu1
- [Bug 1633855] Re: akonadi fails to start after upgrade to yakkety
- [Bug 1636670] Re: Impossible to modify the layout of the second screen
- [Bug 1431061] Re: KDE Partition Manager theme is old
Andrius Štikonas
- [Bug 1635756] [NEW] KDE Partition Manager 2.2.1 needs packaging
Andrius Štikonas
- [Bug 1630730] [NEW] package kde-config-telepathy-accounts (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: попытка перезаписать «/usr/share/accounts/services/google-im.service», который уже имеется в пакете account-plugin-google 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
Антон Дерлюк
- [Bug 1630733] [NEW] package kaccounts-providers (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: попытка перезаписать «/etc/signon-ui/webkit-options.d/api.twitter.com.conf», который уже имеется в пакете account-plugin-twitter 0.12+16.04.20160126-0ubuntu1
Антон Дерлюк
Last message date:
Mon Oct 31 21:26:45 UTC 2016
Archived on: Thu May 11 02:46:14 UTC 2023
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).