[Bug 410466] Re: [karmic] Unable to logout/reboot/shutdown from within KDE

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On 2009-07-26T17:46:29+00:00 Leo Milano wrote:

Version:            (using KDE 4.2.98)
OS:                Linux
Installed from:    Ubuntu Packages

I am running KDE 4.3 RC3 in Kubuntu Jaunty, from the corresponding PPA build:

This is an upgrade from 4.2.4 (from the Jaunty PPA, too). Everything
works fine, except for logout, which just doesn't work. Actually, none
of the logout options works (logout, reboot, etc). After choosing the
selected option, and confirming that you want to logout, nothing

Other users have verified this behavior, so it is possible but unlikely that this is something local to my machine:

I rushed to make this bug report due to the proximity of the KDE 4.3
release. Please let me know if there is anything else I can try to debug

Thank you for one more splendid release (everything else is outstanding)!
-- Leo

Reply at:

On 2009-07-26T18:05:13+00:00 Mgraesslin wrote:

Are you using desktop effects? If yes please try without (alt+shift+f12)
and report if it changes anything? If it doesn't change anything we have
to reassign.

Reply at:

On 2009-07-26T21:22:14+00:00 Zerix01 wrote:

I also am running Kubuntu Jaunty with KDE 4.3 RC3 but my logout and
reboot work fine. One difference I see is I have had the betas and RC 1
and 2 installed prior to this. I did not jump from 4.2.4 to 4.2.98.

Reply at:

On 2009-07-26T22:14:51+00:00 Leo Milano wrote:

@Martin: desktop effects are disabled, thanks for the suggestion.

@zerix: are you using KDM, KDM-4? I am using GDM because it makes a
certain workaround for poor performance in Intel IGP's easier. I will
try with KDM now.

Reply at:

On 2009-07-26T22:26:32+00:00 Mgraesslin wrote:

(In reply to comment #3)
> @Martin: desktop effects are disabled, thanks for the suggestion.
In that case: reassign to ksmserver as kwin doesn't handle anything with logout for non-composited environments

Reply at:

On 2009-07-26T22:35:41+00:00 Leo Milano wrote:

Thanks Martin for the reassignment.

Lubos et al: I tried removing gdm and installing kdm, and same thing. I
will keep poking around.

Reply at:

On 2009-07-26T23:31:30+00:00 Leo Milano wrote:

I just tested more.

* Only two logout options work: Suspend to RAM and Start a New Session. 
* KDM or GDM doesn't matter. 
* I added a new user (to test with vanilla configuratios). The new user CAN logout. However, it is greeted by a black screen (the xserver dies at logout, but I am sure this is something else).

Reply at:

On 2009-07-27T04:58:32+00:00 Leo Milano wrote:

Update: in GDM, the new account can logout fine and go back to the GDM
window just fine. There is some problem with KDE 4.3 running as an
upgrade (as opposed to a fresh install).

Reply at:

On 2009-07-27T06:15:25+00:00 Zerix01 wrote:

I am running KDM 4.2.98. I do not have GDM installed. I didn't mention
this before but I am using compositing.

Reply at:

On 2009-08-02T15:17:24+00:00 Anj Tuesday wrote:

Same here. Can't log out, can't shut down, can't restart, can't switch

First attempt to shut down brings up a shut down dialogue (which one
depends on the menu item (Leave -> whatever) or panel/desktop widget
used). Doesn't do anything, though. And no further dialogue boxes appear
on subsequent attempts.

Switch user brings up a narrow horizontal "plasma box" with just an "X"
button on it (which closes it); no text or anything.

Sleep and Lock Screen work.

Upgraded from Kubuntu 8.04 to 8.10 to 9.04, KDE likewise stepwise to the
4.3 release candidates, now at 4.2.98 (4.3 RC3). Was using KDM, then
GDM, makes no difference. Desktop effects on or off makes no difference.

Reply at:

On 2009-08-05T12:01:50+00:00 Daniel Brownlees wrote:

I can confirm this bug with Kubuntu 9.04, KDE 4.3 Final, and I believe
it is related to KNotify hanging (or crashing) when attempting to play
the logout sound.  Hence the bug may need to be reassigned to KNotify.

On my system I can fix the problem by disabling the logout sound in
System Settings->Notifications->KDE System Notifications, and then
unchecking play sound for Logout.  Can anyone else confirm this
workaround?  Alternatively you can try removing your

To Reproduce: From a brief investigation:  Using the following knotifyrc
on a clean user account with KDE4.3 will cause the bug:


LastConfiguredApp=KDE System Notifications


No sound=true
Use external player=false

(Note: This will also have other symptoms, such as slower login due to
startup sounds failing, but it isn't noticed so strongly.)

Theory: (this is unconfirmed, I have only briefly browsed the code and don't have a dev environment handy to check this):  If sounds are still set for events, but sound is disabled in knotifyrc, then knotify's NotifyBySound::notify() does not check it's NoSound variable and will try to load and play the sound, I think on a non-existant player (and hence hang or crash).

Possible fix:
Add the following to the very beginning of NotifyBySound::notify() in notifybysound.cpp:

if(d->playerMode == Private::NoSound)
    finish( eventId );

It would be nice if someone could confirm any of this.

Reply at:

On 2009-08-05T16:02:05+00:00 Anj Tuesday wrote:

I think I can confirm this. It seems I can work around the problem by
explicitly unchecking "play sound" for the logout event in _addition_ to
my usual preference (notification sounds turned off altogether). Or I
can leave everything in its default state, as for a new user/with an
untouched knotifyrc, and let all sounds play but turn down the volume on
the notifications.

Reply at:

On 2009-08-05T16:27:07+00:00 Anj Tuesday wrote:

Additionally, login or logout leave me with a maximally core-hogging
kded4 process unless they have "Play a sound" unchecked. This happens
even with notification sounds turned off globally ("No sound=true" in

Reply at:

On 2009-08-05T17:07:20+00:00 Anj Tuesday wrote:

Sorry, correction: Login and other events I've tried (empty trash,
change desktop, close window) are "allowed" to have a sound associated
with them as long as "No sound=true". (Testing the sound in the System
Settings module, however, will still jump kded4 to 99% CPU (or core))

Reply at:

On 2009-08-06T02:11:07+00:00 Leo Milano wrote:

Great find, Daniel!

I can confirm what was suspected by Daniel Brownlees (and also confirmed
by   Astera). I went to System Settins -> Notification and chose the
default settings, and sure enough, I was able to logout right away.

As an alternative to checking for a null player (or NoSound), wouldn't
it be possible to make these notification asynchronous, such that no
other process waits for them and login/logout can complete even if they
fail, or take longer than normal?)

Reply at:

On 2009-08-06T02:14:25+00:00 Leo Milano wrote:

Great find, Daniel!

I can confirm what was suspected by Daniel Brownlees (and also confirmed
by   Astera). I went to System Settings -> Notification and chose the
default settings, and sure enough, I was able to logout right away.

As an alternative to checking for a null player (or NoSound), wouldn't
it be possible to make these notification asynchronous, such that no
other process waits for them and login/logout can complete even if they
fail, or take longer than normal?)

Reply at:

On 2009-08-06T02:45:11+00:00 Daniel Brownlees wrote:

Leo Milano wrote:
> As an alternative to checking for a null player (or NoSound), wouldn't it be
> possible to make these notification asynchronous, such that no other process
> waits for them and login/logout can complete even if they fail, or take longer
> than normal?)

I think that is a separate issue, though a good suggestion to make the
logout procedure more robust.

There is still the bug in KNotify where it will load and then attempt to
play a sound file even when it never initialised a player because
NoSound is set.  The bug actually gets tripped by all sorts of things -
login sounds, alerts, or any other sound event, but because it doesn't
block anything else, and the expected behaviour is correct (as in, no
sound is produced) I don't think it has ever been noticed.

Reply at:

On 2009-08-09T23:13:14+00:00 Michael Sprauer wrote:

*** This bug has been confirmed by popular vote. ***

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On 2009-08-10T04:45:36+00:00 Leo Milano wrote:

Hi Daniel

I agree, this has to be fixed anyway.

> There is still the bug in KNotify where it will load and then attempt to play a
> sound file even when it never initialised a player because NoSound is set.

Are you sure about this? I am looking at the function (maybe it was
recently fixed). It doesn't seem to be attempting to _play_ it if the
Private object is set to NoSound. It is actually doing this [1]:

00235     if(d->playerMode == Private::UsePhonon)
00236     {
00237         Player *player = d->playerPool.getPlayer();
00238         connect(player->media, SIGNAL(finished()), d->signalmapper, SLOT(map()));
00239         d->signalmapper->setMapping(player->media, eventId);
00240         player->play(soundFile);
00241         d->playerObjects.insert(eventId, player);
00242     }
00243     else if (d->playerMode == Private::ExternalPlayer && !d->externalPlayer.isEmpty())
00244     {
00245         // use an external player to play the sound
00246         KProcess *proc = new KProcess( this );
00247         connect( proc, SIGNAL(finished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus)),
00248                  d->signalmapper,  SLOT(map()) );
00249         d->signalmapper->setMapping( proc , eventId );
00251         (*proc) << d->externalPlayer << soundFile;
00252         proc->start();
00253     }

So, in our case, both if() conditions will be false, and we'll just exit
the function. However, we are not calling finish( eventId ) , which
seems mandatory for other processes calling us to know _we_ are done
[2]. So, the clean way to do this is to include it in the same if, just
add one more condition (basically, the code you suggested above, but in
line 254, in an else if() condition.

-- Leo

[1] http://api.kde.org/4.x-api/kdebase-runtime-apidocs/knotify/html/notifybysound_8cpp_source.html
[2] http://api.kde.org/4.x-api/kdebase-runtime-apidocs/knotify/html/classKNotifyPlugin.html#aac39c9af1599b8b4c60406eb8145d08c

Reply at:

On 2009-08-10T05:44:42+00:00 Daniel Brownlees wrote:

Hi Leo
> Are you sure about this? I am looking at the function (maybe it was recently
> fixed). It doesn't seem to be attempting to _play_ it if the Private object is
> set to NoSound.

No, I am definately not sure :).  I agree with your reading.

> However, we are not calling finish( eventId ) , which seems mandatory
> for other processes calling us to know _we_ are done [2]. So, the clean way to
> do this is to include it in the same if, just add one more condition
> (basically, the code you suggested above, but in line 254, in an else if()
> condition.

Still, why load the sound file if it won't be played?  I would think
the cleanest solution is to check at the beginning of the function and
close the event appropriately.

BTW.  Has anyone been able to test this and see if it resolves the
logout bug?

Reply at:

On 2009-08-10T15:26:11+00:00 Leo Milano wrote:

No, I haven't been able to confirm the fix. I am running pre-compiled
binaries (Kubuntu's).

I think it's a judgement call, more clear/robust (IMO) code vs a bit
more performance. I always prefer the former, but I think both ways it's
ok. What seems evident, in any case, it that there is an execution path
here not sending the right message to the caller (that is, not calling
finish( eventId ), so the caller will wait forever.

Reply at:

On 2009-08-11T15:05:15+00:00 Leo Milano wrote:

Mmm. This needs to be fixed, does knotify have a maintainer? Are people
on vacation? I could fix this, but I need to set up a dev environment,
get a subversion account, reproduce, test, and commit, all in my very
little spare time, which probably means it will take a long time. For a
maintainer it's probably a 10 minute ordeal all together :)

But please let me know if this has been orphaned, and I'll do what I can

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On 2009-08-12T13:30:04+00:00 L-lunak-5 wrote:

*** Bug 203358 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

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On 2009-08-20T13:37:35+00:00 Daniel Brownlees wrote:

Created attachment 36296
Close event when NoSound is set

Here is a patch that fixes this issue, as I discussed above.  It closes
the event if NoSound is set, rather than leaving it open.  I have tested
on the 4.3 branch and it fixes this issue.

Can someone please apply this for 4.3.1?  It should be applied to trunk
as well.

Further background:  The issue is exposed by R997746 (trunk) which has
been backported to the Kubuntu packages.  The revision removes the 6
second timeout on events preventing them closing automatically, so hence
the sound event stays open indefinitely.  Any other sound events will
also never close  The above fix also has the upside that it speeds login
and logout up by those six seconds if NoSound is set in vanilla 4.3
without R997746 :-).

Reply at:

On 2009-08-21T09:46:26+00:00 Olivier Goffart wrote:

SVN commit 1013912 by ogoffart:

Do not try to load the sound file if we are not going to play a sound. 
And close the Notification right away

Thanks to Daniel Brownlees

BUG: 201569

 M  +7 -1      notifybysound.cpp

WebSVN link: http://websvn.kde.org/?view=rev&revision=1013912

Reply at:

On 2010-02-03T10:50:15+00:00 Tommy_CZ wrote:

I have the same bug now with the KDE4.4 (4.3.95) in Kubuntu x64 and even
with deleting ~/.kde directory, deleting KDE-related packages and
installing KDE4.3.5.

Reply at:

On 2010-04-08T13:28:04+00:00 František Šindelář wrote:

I can confirm that this bug reappeared in KDE 4.4.2 in Kubuntu.
Disabling sounds (one by one) in KNotify settings workaround worked for

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On 2011-11-27T20:24:36+00:00 sl1pkn07 wrote:

still persist in 4.7.3

only fixed when disable close sesson sound in knotify settings

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  [karmic] Unable to logout/reboot/shutdown from within KDE

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