[Bug 84173] Re: amarok sucks at importing large collections.

Andrew Ash ash211 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 14 01:40:08 UTC 2007

You're correct, I bet Amarok does perform a bit poorly with 18,000
songs, since it's using the sqlite database backend by default.  If
you're dissatisfied with sqlite's performance, I'd recommend trying out
mysql.  There are instructions available at
http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/MySQL_HowTo#SQLite_-.3E_MySQL on  how to
convert from sqlite to mysql.

It'd be nice if the switch from sqlite to mysql could be made when a
user's collection gets to a certain point just to increase performance.
The only problem is the extra dependencies that would bring in.  Just
throwing ideas out there.

Let us know if you decide to try mysql.

amarok sucks at importing large collections.

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