Cmnt: [SRU][F:linux-bluefield][PATCH 0/1] UBUNTU: SAUCE: pka: Test TRNG block before making it available

Krzysztof Kozlowski krzysztof.kozlowski at
Fri Apr 23 07:48:10 UTC 2021

On 22/04/2021 20:08, Tim Gardner wrote:
> Acked-by: Tim Gardner <tim.gardner at>
> You guys have to start using scripts/ if you are ever to 
> have a hope of getting your code accepted upstream.

Indeed neither this patch nor previous code here matches Linux kernel
coding style, which means it is not upstreamable now.

I believe it should be upstreamed first. The more of such code we take,
the further it will be from Linux... I can offer some guidance and help
if needed.

Best regards,

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