ACK/Cmnt: [SRU][F:linux-bluefield][PATCH 0/1] UBUNTU: SAUCE: pka: Test TRNG block before making it available

Tim Gardner tim.gardner at
Thu Apr 22 18:08:10 UTC 2021

Acked-by: Tim Gardner <tim.gardner at>

You guys have to start using scripts/ if you are ever to 
have a hope of getting your code accepted upstream.


On 4/22/21 11:17 AM, Mahantesh Salimath wrote:
> BugLink:
> SRU Justification:
> [Impact]
> * TRNG block in PKA HW may not be functioning as expected,
> without carrying out tests there is no way to verify its functionality.
> These tests are carried out early in the boot stage during ATF (ARM Trusted Firmware),
> carry out these tests again while loading PKA linux driver.
> [Fix]
> * Add tests to verify TRNG "pka: Test TRNG block before making it available"
> [Test Case]
> * Derive random bytes from TRNG in PKA HW via OpenSSL using 'pka' engine.
> Ex:# openssl rand -engine pka 512.
> [Regression Potential]
> * If the any of the tests fail then TRNG will be disabled.
> Hence random bytes cannot be derived from PKA HW.

Tim Gardner
Canonical, Inc

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