Kernel images landing unsinged in PPA

Bhaskar Chowdhury unixbhaskar at
Tue May 1 13:57:53 UTC 2018

I meant unsigned images.

On Tue, May 1, 2018 at 2:10 PM, Bhaskar Chowdhury <unixbhaskar at>

> hello,
> This trend started with 4.16.4 and I am not sure why the singed images
> landing there and what is the gain of having it there.
> Please let us know.
> Thanks,
> Bhaskar
> --
> [image: --]
> Bhaskar Chowdhury
> [image: https://]
> <>


[image: --]

Bhaskar Chowdhury
[image: https://]
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