The Daily Bug Report for Tuesday, 17. January 2017 22:31 UTC

brad.figg at brad.figg at
Tue Jan 17 23:00:01 UTC 2017

The Daily Bug Report
Tuesday, 17. January 2017 22:31 UTC

The linux package acquired 4 new bugs in the last 24 hrs.

Bug       Title                                                           Series      Importance      Status           Assignee
-------   ------------------------------------------------------------    --------    ------------    -------------    ---------------------
1656999   [Dell Inspiron 7537/7737] Wireless key does not work on t...    xenial      Undecided       Confirmed        Unassigned
1657015   Suspend resumes in few seconds                                  xenial      Medium          Incomplete       Unassigned
1657018   There are many fail messages after install Ubuntu Server ...    utopic      Medium          Confirmed        Unassigned
1657281   Ubuntu xenial - 4.4.0-59-generic i3 I/O performance issue       xenial      Undecided       Incomplete       Dragan S.

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