The Daily Bug Report for Tuesday, 05. July 2016 22:32 UTC

brad.figg at brad.figg at
Tue Jul 5 23:00:01 UTC 2016

The Daily Bug Report
Tuesday, 05. July 2016 22:32 UTC

The linux package acquired 8 new bugs in the last 24 hrs.

Bug       Title                                                           Series      Importance      Status           Assignee
-------   ------------------------------------------------------------    --------    ------------    -------------    ---------------------
1599068   Add support for Intel 8265 Bluetooth ([8087:0A2B])              xenial      Undecided       Incomplete       Phidias
1599076   On exit_idle function  issue                                    xenial      Undecided       Confirmed        Unassigned
1599109   [i915_bpo] Rebase driver to v4.7-rc6 + gen9 workarounds                     Undecided       In Progress      Unassigned
1599110   Blank screen 90 sec boot delay                                  yakkety     Low             Incomplete       Unassigned
1599115   On __remove_hrtimer function issue.                             xenial      Undecided       Confirmed        Unassigned
1599199   On __calc_delta function issue.                                 xenial      Undecided       Confirmed        Unassigned
1599257   sync spl changes into Xenial kernel source    xenial      Medium          In Progress      Colin Ian King
1599306   16.04:  i8042 need to start early after grub                    xenial      Undecided       Confirmed        Unassigned

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